Winners Never Quit, Stay in the game and the Mindful Quitting

Kaushal Mishra
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Mindful Quiting

The win at all costs, the don’t quit, the failure is final mindset, stay in the game mentality is quite prevalent and well marketed trait in modern day society. The ‘quitters never win and winners never quit’ is not only a risky attitude to adopt but also terrible advice to pass on.

Be it our personal or professional lives, mostly we’re made to feel that quitting is a weakness in people who lack ambition and are destined to fail. My question — Is painting the entire canvas with one brush justified? These flashy quotes are so much drilled into our minds these days that we start measuring all aspects of our decision/outcome by ONLY ONE behavior or action without considering the impact of other variables contributing to it. I think we should start learning and inculcating the difference between the content and the context. Einstein or Lombardi might have said something which seems to be a great quote (its a content) but they would have said that in a particular situation or a state of mind (the context) which we never get to know because these great quotations don’t give its reference on the time when this quote was said.

In fact — successful people quit on many more things in order to pursue something better. Popular business author Seth Godin in his bestseller book — The Dip talks about strategic quitting where you take quitting as an option after logically evaluating long term effect of it. I personally feel — strategic quitting is smart. Typically, it’s when you make the decision to end something in order to take advantage of greater opportunities. Think of a pawn in chess. You’ll sacrifice a pawn in the hope that doing so will gain you an advantage — that’s what strategic quitting is. I wish and pray that we start being mindful. Lets stop seeing quitting as failure but a part of better strategic decision to move up higher.

Have a good day !!

