What to read during quarantine?

Iulia Jianu
2 min readApr 20, 2020

I find myself staring at one of my bookshelves, the one in which I usually keep non-literature books and then an idea comes to my mind.

I don’t consider myself a specialist in reading or recommending books, but I love to read and I read a lot, so in these times of crisis, maybe some good advice can help someone. I hope.

So here it is, a short list of 5 books that I truly recommend to be read in these times:

1.Talking to My Daughter About Economy, Yanis Varoufakis

Everyone is talking now about the economy going down and I find it insightful to understand why this is happening and how can we help ourselves to get out as soon as possible. Yanos Varoufakis makes a great job explaining how economy and banks work, which for me, as someone who is not that talented with all those fancy words, was enlightning.

2. Start with Why, Simon Sinek

I think everyone here knows about Simon and his work and any other word coming from my side would not change any minds regarding his ability to master subjects like the importance of finding your real purpose, as a person or business. I think this quarantine can be a perfect moment to start looking inside and search for our true passions, desires and dreams.

3. The Courage to be Vulnerable, Brene Brown

Staying inside, sometimes alone, sometimes with your parents, partners, kids and others, can be a stressful time. There will be times in which you don’t want to talk or watch that stupid movie together, and that’s ok. It’s ok to cry and accept that you are a wonderful human being that is deprived of 90% of the things that add up to your “day to day” and this is new to you, to me, to us.

4. Factfulness, Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling-Ronnlund, Ola Rosling

What are we going to do after everything passes? Well, our world has been through worse and still managed a way to get out. It’s not about being optimistic, but realistic. The Rosling-Trio comes with facts (ha!) and numbers that are going to help you gain a better understanding of what are we living right now and how we are going to pass through.

5. Atomic Habits, James Clear

Start with a small step. In exercising more (at home for now), in reading those books that are waiting for you, in writing down all those feelings or eating less sugar, even if you are stuck at home, living a boring live. James Clear explains the process, I will let you find by yourselves the actuals steps.



Iulia Jianu

Psychologist with a passion for reading and sometimes writing. Planking for chocolate.