by trainingmagazine

9 Essential lessons every manager should know

Iuri Matsuura
5 min readDec 20, 2017

Nearly 3 years ago I’ve decided to take the next step in my career and climb the managerial ladder. The primary reason behind my decision was my willingness to face a new challenge, step out of my comfort zone and the direct feedback about my leadership potential.

It’s been an amazing journey so far, full of successes and failures. In this article, I would like to share a few lessons I’ve learned during this time:

1. It's all about the people

That’s by far the biggest lesson I’ve learned during those three years. Although you might be required to have a solid technical background and continue to be a hands-on person, as a manager your success is defined by the personal satisfaction and performance of your team. That said, the question is: how can someone achieve that?

Leadership is the ultimate skill.

One might argue that Leadership and Management are completely different topics — which I agree with — however one doesn’t exclude the other.

Once I was decided to follow a managerial ladder, I started to educate myself and practice each learning every day. Shortly after that, my colleagues — including my line manager — started noticing some behavioral changes and, to my surprise, those changes were propagated to the others.



Iuri Matsuura

Passionate about Technology, People and Ideas. Director of Engineering @Invoice2go.