How to Measure the Impact of UX Research? [Metrics-to-use]

Iva Buzuk
2 min readMay 26, 2024

For any successful digital product improving user experience (UX) is a key aspect. But how do we know that our UX research is making a difference? Now, let’s simplify it in easy-to-understand parts.

Measuring UX Research impact / Design: Inity Agency

Outcome Levels

User Experience

“User Experience research is really about making the user’s experience better at the end of a project…” — William Labus, Co-Founder at Essense.xtext

  • Task Success Rate: Could users accomplish what they set out to do with ease?
  • User Engagement: How much time user spends on your site and how they interact with it?
  • User Satisfaction: How the users feel about the product? Use surveys or feedback forms.

Business Impact

  • Return Visitors: How many users return to your landing page or app? A better UX means users are more likely to come back. You can track this with website analytics.
  • Transactions: Track the comparison of transactions before / after
  • Customer Satisfaction: Similar to user satisfaction, but it covers the overall experience with your product or service. Use surveys to measure this.

Organizational Levels



Iva Buzuk

Co-Founder @Inity / UX Audit Specialist | Identifying & Resolving User Experience Challenges | Design Systems