Launching Women in AI in Ireland: AI for new life opportunities

Iva Simon Bubalo
3 min readDec 27, 2019


September 2019 marked the launch of Women in AI in Ireland, a new vibrant AI community on a mission to increase female participation in AI. Introduced and led by WAI Ambassador Alessandra Sala in collaboration with Laura Kennedy, WAI opened with the first event WaiTALK “AI for new life opportunities” in Dublin 18th September at Deloitte.

Our first WaiTALK gathered participants from both technology and academia around the idea of examining the status-quo on the current female participation in AI and re-thinking how to shape the future.

Increasing demand and short supply of AI skills bring more opportunities than ever before for women to step into AI careers.

Alessandra Sala welcomed us and introduced Women in AI as a global community with 90+ countries and 28 ambassadors bringing empowerment, education and active collaboration in the interdisciplinary AI field for women of all backgrounds who aspire to join AI industry.

“AI for new life opportunities” WaiTALK by Women in AI Ireland in September 2019

Three inspiring and insightful talks followed, embracing diversity and forming an inclusive environment of reflection:

Andrea Fouche from Deloitte introduced the topic of transformation and change management with “Future of Work at Deloitte”.

Ann O’Dea, CEO of Silicon Republic and founder of InspirefestHQ, gave an exciting and insightful talk “It takes a village: AI needs all of us”.

Medb Corcoran, Director of Accenture Labs, presented a big picture of “How careers in AI and Analytics can have a positive impact on society”.

Interested in what comes up next?

Women in AI are bringing together diverse perspectives of technology and social sciences for an interactive discussion on “Ethically driven AI design”. In collaboration with DLA Piper our next event will take place in January 22nd in Tangent Main Space, 1st Floor Trinity Business School in Dublin.

Innovative event design fostering diversity of backgrounds and perspectives from STEM to social sciences

AI is the opportunity for our society to close the gap between STEM and Arts.

“Ethically driven AI design” event will start with a panel discussion from experts in Law and Ethics from DLA Piper followed by moderated table discussions. The event will conclude with a showcase of ideas from each table.

Meet AI experts and enthusiasts in Dublin and contribute to the discussion on Ethically driven AI design with your own unique point of view. Save the date and join us on January 22nd at 5pm in Tangent Ideas Workspace of Trinity Business School in Dublin!


WAI is the first global community of women in AI, embracing diversity and forming an inclusive environment for next generations of women in AI industry and academia. Follow Women in AI and become a member of global AI community on our website


