Capturing Pixel-Perfect Android UIs: A Snapshot Testing Journey with Paparazzi

Ivan Dimitrov
6 min readOct 18, 2023
Photo by Miss Zhang on Unsplash


In the ever-evolving landscape of Android app development, maintaining a polished and visually consistent user interface is a constant challenge. Small tweaks in color, layout, or fonts can lead to unexpected UI bugs, and catching these regressions early in the development cycle is crucial. This is where snapshot testing comes to the rescue. In this article, we’ll explore the world of Android snapshot testing using the Paparazzi library.

Why Snapshot Testing?

Before diving into the details of Paparazzi, let’s address the “why” behind snapshot testing. When working on Android UI, there are numerous factors that can introduce subtle bugs. These include changes to color schemes, drawables, padding, margins, elevation levels, fonts, and even the version of UI libraries. Moreover, fixing one bug may inadvertently break another part of the app. Snapshot testing helps ensure that your UI remains consistent and that unintended changes don’t slip through the cracks.

Snapshot Testing Demystified

Snapshot testing is a straightforward concept:

1. Capture a set of screenshots of your UI when it’s in a well-known state.

