Frugality is Eco-logic!

7 min readJan 6, 2020

The modern economy is tied up with consumerism and therefore being frugal and ecologically minded is itself a counter revolution that could reduce its ill effects.

The way to sustainability is in the doing, and not doing of each one of us. If we question our consumption and put it against a test of what is good for health, ecology and future generations we will find that the majority of the worlds population and policy makers are not working consciously enough on transforming the world into a biologically balanced sound Earth. If we question our consumption we will quickly see the limits and pitfalls of the social fabric we call capitalist economy. Pitted in competition with each other, human beings ruin the natural world and eat away at the ideals of humanity. One way to be reduce garbage, reduce poverty and improve the world is to get back to the Waste not, want not mentality. One persons garbage can be another persons treasure and it does not have to come with a price tag! All rules, laws, conventions that limit us from being sustainable have to be ignored and ultimately removed from this collective evolution.

When one gets creative with frugality and experiments with what can be done with what is around, much can be achieved.

As in the IPC, we are trying to find a road to sustainability and it will be different for each person, project and association however some kind of map / guideline as to what is suggested to be worked on in a logical manner over time could be developed. That said, even the most detailed of…




… coming out of hermitage to critique, expose, create and share alternative perspectives… Ivan Tattoli 2018