How To Distinguish The Soul From The Spirit Correctly?
Is there any difference between the soul and the spirit?
Divine Absolute
There are several disagreements caused by the different translations of the terms “soul” and “spirit” in different languages, as well as the misunderstanding of the nature of the soul itself.
The soul is an individual manifestation of the divine consciousness, which we can call Divine Absolute. It is a neutral name that would not cause misunderstandings about different concepts of God.
The soul is the monad of consciousness of the divine Absolute itself. In its original state, Divine Absolute consciousness projects itself into conscious consciousness or conscious monads. It is capable of creating all the possibilities to realize the perception or an experience of all the possibilities of existence. In the world, entities of divine consciousness or monads are known as souls.
The Divine Absolute is the source of consciousness in the very existence. All consciousness is one and the same in its entire existence. This divine consciousness within us is what gives consciousness to our individual mind, which we use in a personal way. We also call it ego.
The whole nature is consciousness
All conscious beings use the same divine consciousness, both for the work of the mind and for the creation of life itself.
Basically, the whole nature is consciousness, all existence is the work of intelligent design and it is proved by whole biology.
Perfect self-knowledge of this divine consciousness of oneself occurs in a man as his self-knowledge, samadhi or the realization of divine consciousness in a man, an enlightenment.
All this is possible on the basis of the consciousness of the soul that gives us life and awareness of ourselves and the awareness of the world.
The consciousness of the soul in us connects everything. In other words, everything is connected because it rests on the same source, the divine consciousness of oneself, which is our individual consciousness of the soul.
Immature understanding of the nature of the spirit
All the above said is expressed in many religions and esoteric teachings.
However, it is often not sufficiently distinct, and is oftentimes unclearly linked to the abstract concept of a “spirit”. This term, therefore, means more things in different languages.
Firstly, it signifies the consciousness in a man, his individual psyche with all personal content and conditionality.
Further, it means a higher spiritual principle that goes beyond the individual psyche, which is independent of the body. The spirit is also referred to as an entity that goes beyond the physical body and its life and may return after death.
Also, the term “spirit” is associated with everything that is spiritual and divine, as opposed to the material and worldly. It is basically a one-sided and immature understanding of the nature of the spirit and the nature of matter because there’s no duality (Advaita) in the essence of all existence.
The material world is merely a manifestation of the divine spirit, the divine consciousness. This is also proven by quantum physics. The term “soul” is falsified in different languages and interpretations as well.
The lowest understanding most commonly held by psychologists is that the soul of a man is only a cocktail of psychological impressions, created by time and experience.
The other understanding, which is ultimately conditioned by the more advanced perceptions of religions, defines the soul as received from God. According to this definition, a person can and will lose it, or should only earn it, so that some evil force can steal or capture it.
These are all wrong indications that are most often aimed at capturing human attention and exploiting his energy so that he would become and remain a faithful follower of some religion.
A unique source of consciousness
The soul is a unique source of consciousness within us. The soul is a source that connects us with the origin of everything and represents the individual manifestation of the divine consciousness of itself through man.
The divine consciousness recognizes itself through the soul of man, and the concept of the spirit is more related to individual manifestations of consciousness and its various modifications.
Such a concept of the spirit refers to the true spirituality that connects man with the consciousness of the soul, with the divine principle.
To understand the difference between soul and spirit correctly, we should take into account that, soul is the manifestation of the divine consciousness. The spirit is more associated with individual manifestations of consciousness. It introduces the true spirituality that connects man with the consciousness of the soul. Therefore, the correct and proper perception of the ideas of the soul and spirit ultimately leads to their joining into one.
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