Ways to Stop Giving Other People False Hope

Ivana Belinda
3 min readAug 9, 2019


Did you realize that sometimes, we can give false hope without we know it or even without we meant to?

People who give false hope always have much reason for why they’re doing that.

And the saddest thing is sometimes we don’t even realize that we have given false hope to someone.

We live happily without knowing that the person who receives accidentally false hope from us,

is live by waiting for us to give them what we have promised.

But we never give it to them.

So it ended up with making other people disappointed.

If you want to stop it, you can try by doing these things,

1. Stop Trying to Make Other People Happy

You can’t give everything to other people.

You can’t always be there for them.

You can’t be everyone’s angel.

It’s okay if other people feel upset with you.

That will be a sign to tell them that you are not their hero.

You are still ordinary people who need your own happiness, need your own time to do your own activity.

And you can find your own happiness by yourself.

2. Between Yes or No

Saying NO means that you know your limit.

Saying NO means that everything isn’t always good for you.

Saying NO means that you want to stop the wrong way that you’ve lived.

It’s not easy for some people to say NO, moreover if that is someone we really know and care about.

But it will get easier if you try and know how good the result is.

The people who accept false hope sometimes ended up with confusion.

They didn’t know what the reason is they receive it.

All they can do is just speculating or even judging.

You can cut their judge to you by trying to say no.

And I know you can do it.

Tips: if you already feel unsure about yourself getting in that situation, just say NO.

3. Break The Promise, Break The Trust

Don’t act as if you are promising them great things in the future for them.

If you already give them a promise, just do everything at your best to not break it.

Once you break it, you will face difficulties.

You might be a little scared to make another promise with them.

You will hard to build their trust again.

And your relationship with them will be different.

Maybe some people will forgive you easily.

But remember,

they won’t forget that you’d broken the promise.


If you are the kind of person who always says YES, easily making a promise, trying to make people happy.

STOP it.

Just STOP it.

That behavior won’t make you be a better person.

Cause you know that you deserve your own happy life without regret, without judgment from other people and without disappointment.

and so they are.

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you get something new from this.

Don’t forget to clap and share this story with your friend. :)

