SEO, Small Business

The SEO Mistake: Why Small Businesses Miss Out on Growth

Why Your Small Business Can’t Afford to Overlook SEO if It Wants to Grow

Ivan Buss
6 min readSep 16, 2023


In the modern digital age, the internet has become the go-to. The first stop for consumers seeking any type of product or services. Small businesses, however, quite often make a grave mistake.

That grave mistake is underestimating the power of search engine optimization (SEO). In doing so, they will sadly miss out on a significant opportunity for growth.

In fact, a staggering 68% of online experiences begin with the use of a search engine. That number all on its own illustrates the critical importance of SEO for businesses. Businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Side profile of a laptop with a person’s hands in the frame to type.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

The Power of Organic Search

Consider this: 53.3% of all website traffic out there originates from organic searches. Interesting statistic… But what does that mean for business owners? This means that over half of the visitors that you get on to your website, are finding you through the use of search engines.

The Brightside report states:

“Organic and Paid Search continues to dominate website traffic for nearly every industry.”

This makes it a powerhouse for the attraction of potential customers. It’s a channel that one simply cannot ignore. They go on to say:

“…more changes in the search landscape are on the horizon that will impact organic traffic if marketers are not prepared.”

And, as the saying goes. Preparing is half the battle.

Scrabble pieces arranged to spell out ‘digital marketing’ on a wooden table.
Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

Quality Leads Through SEO

Moreover, 60% of marketers have identified inbound strategies. Strategies like SEO and blog content as their best-quality source of leads. These are the leads that are not only plentiful, but are also relevant to your business.

What’s even more compelling would be the close rate that SEO leads have, which stands at a very impressive 14.6%.

The consequence of this? It means that optimizing your content for search engines not only brings in more leads. It also means that leads that are more likely to convert.

A pile of red check marks arranged into an X shape on a black background.
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

The Missed Opportunities

It’s also important to keep in mind that not all pages are reaping the benefits of organic search queries. Astonishingly, 90.63% of pages receive no form of organic search traffic from Google.

This speaks to all the missed opportunities that many businesses, small and large, are facing. Being present on search engine results pages is no longer a luxury, it’s become a necessity.

A cloth and wooden chess game. It’s being played on a black table with a black background.
Photo by Katya Korovkina on Unsplash

The Competitive Landscape

Now, why don’t we talk about the ever-competitive landscape that is search results? The top-ranking page will claim the lion’s share of search traffic, 49% of the time. What does this mean?

Even if you’re not the absolute top result, there’s still a significant share of the pie available to you.

In fact, the top three search results collectively capture 54.4% of all relevant clicks. This increases the importance of, not only, going for the top spot, but at least a spot within the top three.

Greyed-out picture of hands being raised in front of a man presenting. He is standing in front of a display board.
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Expansive Reach and Authority

Here’s an unsurprising fact. The average top-ranking page ranks great in relevant keywords. What’s surprising is the amount. The top ranking shows up in the top 10 search results for nearly 1,000 other relevant keywords.

This demonstrates the far reach that a well-optimized page can one day achieve.

It’s not about ranking for one specific term. That’s looking at it too one-dimensionally.

It’s about positioning yourself as an authority. Someone who is trusted across a wide array of related searches and subjects.

Niche Keywords Matter

It is worth your consideration that not all keywords are created equally. A staggering 94.74% of keywords receive 10 monthly searches or, perhaps, even fewer. Only a tiny 0.0008% receive much more than 100,000 monthly searches.

These facts highlight the need for a thorough and comprehensive keyword strategy. One that targets not only high traffic but niche terms as well.

A Google search query into “is TikTok”, all the autofill options are showing underneath.
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

The Immense Search Volume

In the grand scheme of it all, Google processes an estimated 3.5 billion searches every day. Each one of these searches represents an open, potential opportunity for your business. An opportunity to connect with a prospective customer. An opening that is ripe for the picking.

In fact, a significant 39% of purchasers are shown to be influenced by a relevant search.

This means that being present in search results is incredibly important. It can directly impact the decisions that your customers are making.

Understanding “No-Click” Searches

Of utmost importance, is to be aware of a phenomenon known as “no-click searches.” A surprising 61.5% of desktop searches and a further 34.4% of mobile searches result in no clicks. This may seem counterintuitive.

Rather, it highlights the importance of providing valuable information. Best done directly in the search results.

Even if users don’t click through to your website, they’re still being exposed. They gain familiarity not only with your brand but your expertise as well.

In conclusion

The lack of an application of SEO use is a very costly mistake. One that many small businesses make. The statistics speak for themselves.

SEO is not an option. It’s a fundamental component of any business’s successful digital marketing strategy. By optimizing your content for search engines, you’re increasing your visibility.

Not only that, but you’re also attracting qualified leads. Leads that are much more likely to convert.

Why let your small business miss out on the endless growth that SEO offers? It’s time to take action and unlock the full power that search engine optimization can bring.

To Summarize

  • Small businesses will often overlook the power that SEO brings. Thus, missing out on a significant amount of growth.
  • 90.63% of pages get no form of organic search traffic, highlighting the dire need for SEO.
  • The top three search results capture 54.4% of all clicks.
  • Targeting both high-traffic and niche keywords is fundamental. Both to a comprehensive SEO strategy and a growing business.
  • Embracing SEO is essential for every small business. It allows them to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Hope you enjoyed. If you did, feel free to leave a clap.

I’m hoping to dive deeper into this subject in later articles.

If you found something interesting or have any questions, let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear.

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Ivan Buss

Dedicated Copywriter | Crafting Compelling Content | Shaping Stories That Resonate |