Chromia AMA Summary (27 May 2019)

ivan chong
6 min readMay 29, 2019


On May 27th, Chromia had public AMA with Pramod joint community members in Shin Chan Channel Telegram group. Henrik Hjelte, CEO of Chromia and Or Perelman, Co-Founder of Chromia introduced critical problems that blockchain industries faced and how Chromia can solves these problems.

This AMA Supported By:
👉Shin Chan Channel
👉Pramod’s Crypto Community

Q1: Is there any Dapp or Game already developed & published on Chromia Blockchain that we can test?
You can sign up as a tester on site. First test apps will be a social network kind of thing, a discussion forum all on chain. Then a checkers game, all on-chain with complete gamelogic, detecting wins etc. Also we are now helping build an enterprise application for green investment, tracking of environmental reporting between different actors (issuer, bank, validator etc), and we do in collaboration with a legal company a way to manage cap-table and corporate events, also on Chromia.

Q2: What is the technology behind this Chromia, what product are you creating ?
Chromia is a relational blockchain. It means it combines a blockchain with a relational database, normally called “SQL database”. These kind of databases are used in almost all non-trivial applications across the world, have an over 90% market share still (NoSQL is a little little thing). Over 30 years history. Multiple implementations from Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, open-source (mySQl, postgres, MariaDB etc).
And for some reason this is new to blockchain. How could anyone seriously think we can make complex applications without using this tech?

Q3: What policies does Chromia have to patronise investors if the project fails, the price after IEO is too low or not?
CHROMIA is a utility token, and as such is legally prohibited from any such policies. We’re here for the long haul, not just the IEO. Hopefully, that means more patrons less patronising

Q4: How do you think Chromia can compete with other Blockchains such as Ethereum? What’s the idea behind Chromia?
We had a developer Riccardo do a Tic-Tac game completely on-chain before consensus. It includes checking wins, listing players that want to play against others, matching them, doing moves. It took him 3 hours and 140 lines of codes. Now my reverse question is: how can any other blockchain compete with that kind of power and productivity?

Q5: How fast is Chromia blockchain ? What is Chromia TPS ? What is postchain and sidechain within the Chromia
Whis is a “transaction” really? Is it move a coin? Write a memory cell? In Chromia a transaction is a database transaction. It can mean “Pay out dividends to all 1000 shareholders”. “Move all troops of all players”. We can do up to 1000 of these per blockchain. If that is not enough, you can add more blockchains to the same application

Q6: Why do we need a decentralised application? Aren’t the apps working find now?
Ok. A big part of many peoples lives are social media. A company such as Twitter or Facebook or Google have complete control of these applications, while we user create the content, with no say. Additionally, they are US companies, and use American values. For example in Sweden, violence is worse than a little nudity. Reverse in US. We want to make it possible to make fair applications that are Public Goods, Public Applications, where Users have a say. There is a great blogpost on our blog, “Towards publicly-hosted applications”. Chromia is an enabler for this, thus we use the slogan “Power to the Public”

Q7: Why use PBFT and not BFT?
I’m not super into details on consensus, but PBFT means Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, it is based on solid research by Barbara Liskov et al, a good algorithm. Then we add more layers of security on top. So it’s BFT too.

Q8: What kind of partnership do you have with Indian corporate giant tech Mahindra? How will you be able to work with them as the Indian government stance still not clear on crypto?
Tech Mahindra has an exclusivity to use our tech for land-registration in India. Also they are very interested in what we do, and we regularly meet with them. Crypto regulations does not block all things we can do together

Q9: I believe you were working with an Indian state government on a pilot project for land records. Can you please provide us an update on your work relative to that project?
Yes, we were working with Andrah Pradesh gov on a POC which was a success and gained a lot of publicity, how ever govs are usually slow, we partnered with tech Mahindra in India to act as a sales channel partner for our products and we have an exclusive partnerships on the land registry use-case. They know the India market better then us

Q10: On fund raising by individual Dapps, we see each Dapp or game is now coming out with its own token. Do you see 100s of tokens one for each Dapp/ game as a viable future? Are there better ways for fund raising for Dapps/games?
I think tokens will be inevitable ways of fund raising for projects, right now how ever we don’t focus on the tokens piece yet but much on the application hosting side hence we are building a bridge to ERC20 so ERC20 will be able to be used in Chromia as well as a token issuance for the Dapps. In the future once we own on the applications we will be able to be focused on the token side as well , how ever we wont force them not to issue a token on Chromia as well!

Q11: How is Chromia different from a few other enterprise focussed blockchain projects like LTO Network or Holochain?
Our main unique difference is our relational model which combines RDBMS with blockchains which have never been done before — not only fast tx but also usability for the developer and the ability to host data on chain. With the relational model we can have native indexing querying which aren’t possible with other chains without any complexed tooling.

Q12: Does Chromia allow for more powerful transactions?
Yes, not only fast but we can also host more scalable on chain data which is in opinion important for being more decentralised and security.

Q13: What is your major focus right now? Will dApps will simplified the coding process of an App?
We are working on several game partnerships right now and also working on building our own games, so stay tuned, our main focus is gamed right now and we will be making integrations to popular game engines such as coco unity and more to make it super easy for game developers to build with Rell & Chromia.

Q14: Most of blockchain using the PBFT/BFT algorithm and sidechain/multilayer sharding, so you are different from others?The relational model is our key part, we host the data in the store procedure of the db itself hence in our solution the db is the blockchain and vice versa, no other blockchain does that.

Q15: Can you highlight what you actually did in helping those top blockchain projects? Litecoin charlie is your project advisor, how do he help your project with grow ?
Charlie is a long time advisor of ChromaWay (Since 2014), he helps mostly on the technology side and has no connection to the coin side.

Q16: How long do you estimate it will take for the network to launch and see adoption?
On adoption its hard to estimate but we hope as fast as possible, we are taking active measures that it will happen sooner than later by working on bringing more applications to our platform.

Q17: What’s the learning curve on Rell? Assuming the individual knows Java, SQL etc.
Very fast, our dev developed a game with 130 lines of code (tic tac to) also I was able to read the code and Im not a dev. Should take a few hours for a learning curve assuming they know relational programming.

Q18:What do you think of killer Dapp or game changing dapp? So far i don’t see one in the market. What you hope people build on Chromia to maximise the utilisation of Chromia feature?
We agree that right now there is no killer Dapp in the market and that is what we hope to change. We think gaming economies that can evolve by the community is a great combo. But also great believers in some finance use cases that need blockchain as a golden source.

Thank you for joining AMA, if you have any questions, please contact us.

