Spring Boot | Kafka Connect

Enhancing a MySQL-KafkaConnect-Elasticsearch Setup with Spring Boot Applications

Implementing MovieAPI and MovieSearch to interact with the streaming of changes from MySQL to Elasticsearch using Kafka Connect

Ivan Franchin
Published in
12 min readSep 11, 2023


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

In this article, we will implement two Spring Boot applications: Movie API and Movie Search. Our first application connects to MySQL and exposes an API that enables us to manage movies — create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD). The second app connects to Elasticsearch, delivering a user-friendly interface (UI) for searching movies.

These two applications form integral parts of our MySQL-Kafka Connect-Elasticsearch setup, which we’ve explained in detail in the article below:

To get started, ensure that you have your MySQL-Kafka Connect-Elasticsearch setup up and running.

This is the project overview, now including Movie API and Movie Search applications:



Ivan Franchin

Lead Software Developer with BS and MS in Computer Science. Writing about Java, Spring, software development in general, and emerging technologies.