Spring Boot | Keycloak | REST API

Implementing and Securing a Simple Spring Boot REST API using Keycloak for IAM

Step-by-step guide on implementing and securing Simple API application using Keycloak for Identity and Access Management

Ivan Franchin
Published in
8 min readApr 22, 2023


Photo by ev on Unsplash

In this article, we will implement a Simple Spring Boot API, called Simple API, securing it and use Keycloak as Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution. As the name already suggests, the application is very simple and just contains two endpoints, /public and /secured.

Let’s get started!


If you would like to follow along, you must have Java 17+ and Docker installed on your machine.

Starting Keycloak

Let’s run a Keycloak Docker container by executing the following command in a terminal:

docker run --rm --name keycloak \
-p 9080:8080 \
quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:24.0.2 start-dev

Configuring Keycloak

Sign in

  1. Open a browser and access Keycloak Web Console at http://localhost:9080;



Ivan Franchin

Lead Software Developer with BS and MS in Computer Science. Writing about Java, Spring, software development in general, and emerging technologies.