GitHub | Social Identity Provider | Keycloak

Integrating GitHub as a Social Identity Provider in Keycloak

Step-by-step guide on how to integrate GitHub as a Social Identity Provider in Keycloak

Ivan Franchin
5 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

In this article, we will explore how to integrate GitHub as a Social Identity Provider in Keycloak. By doing so, we can enhance user convenience and simplify the authentication process by enabling users to log in with their GitHub credentials.

So, let’s get started!

Reference Project

We will use the ivangfr/springboot-react-keycloak GitHub repository to demonstrate the integration process. If you’d like to follow along, simply clone the repository and follow the instructions provided in the README to set up and run the movies-app application.

Movie APP

The movies-app application consists of two parts: the backend movies-api, that will run on port 9080, and the frontend movies-ui that will run on port 3000.

Upon successful setup, you will be able to log in using two predefined users: admin and user.

  • The admin account (whose password is admin) allows you to perform various actions, such as viewing…



Ivan Franchin

Lead Software Developer with BS and MS in Computer Science. Writing about Java, Spring, software development in general, and emerging technologies.