How to become a Liquidity provider on HubrisOne X

Ivan Gyimah
4 min readOct 17, 2020


What this guide will help you accomplish:

This guide will quickly show you how to acquire UNI V2 LP tokens in order for you to successfully stake on and earn YieldX tokens in return for providing liquidity.

This guide will not:

  1. Explain to you what liquidity providers are/do and why they are important
  2. Explain to you the different terminology or acronyms commonly used

Assumptions & prerequisites:

  1. This quick guide assumes you have Metamask google chrome extension installed
  2. Familiar and comfortable with Metamask
  3. This guide assumes you have some ETH and/or USDT/USDC etc.
  4. Have some basic familiarity with Uniswap exchange interface

Step 1:

Head to (we’re connected and using Uniswap liquidity for now) 👌🏾

Step 2:

Connect your wallet using the “Connect/Unlock Wallet” in the top right.

Step 3:

Now you need to identify which pool you would like to provide liquidity to, currently we are offering the following pools — you can check the most up to date APY% rates here — **LINK**:

Liquidity Pool       Reward Received

Let’s assume you wish to provide liquidity for ETH/USDC pool.

Step 4:

Now you have identified which pool you wish to provide liquidity for, you now need two equal parts of 50/50 of the pool — i.e. we need 50% ETH and 50% USDC. So let’s get started.

In our case, we have 8.72 ETH, I will use 1 ETH to convert to USDC — in your case, you may wish to use 0.5 ETH or more, just make sure the two pairs you use have equal 50% value.

Example: James has 1 ETH in his balance and wishes to use entire balance to provide liquidity. James will need to swap 0.5 ETH to USDC and then pool tokens to receive a UNI V2 LP token.

Once we swap and complete our 1 ETH swap to USDC we will now need to pool our 50/50 split of assets into a unified liquidity pool token, aka UNI V2 LP.

Step 5: Creating LP tokens

On the right side of “Swap” we now need to click “Pool”.

Click “Add Liquidity”

Select token you wish to pool, refer to above liquidity pool list. In this case we have selected USDC token.

These are example rates, so your inputs may look different.

Once you are ready, click “Supply” and let the smart contracts work their magic.

Step 6: Staking LP tokens on HubrisOne X

Once you recieve confirmation on Metamask that the transaction is completed, head to****

In our case we are providing liquidity for ETH/USDC pool so we will slect that pool

Now we’re ready to start providing liquidity and start earning YieldX tokens!

If it’s your first time providing liquidity you will see “Approve” click and confirm Metamask transactions

Once you have approved, you will see two new buttons. Unstake and “+” — go ahead and click the “+” to add liquidity

We want to maximise our YieldX rewards so in our case we are selecting and staking “Max” number of LP tokens we have available, you may wish to enter a manual number if you wish in the box.

Click confirm, and confirm transactions on Metamask and you will start earning YieldX rewards immediately!

To claim these tokens, just click “Harvest”. You can also, redeem your LP tokens by clicking “Unstake”.

Other Resources:

Community Help: Telegram

Other How to Guides:

We hoped this helped!


