Ivan Jose Badia
2 min readSep 27, 2017


Thank you for this article. I’m a Print Production Artist with 21 years of experience developing my skills and growing with every iteration of what I like to call the ‘Holy-Grail’ Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop.

The past year I’ve been on a journey to prepare myself for a career change for front-end-development and combining my large format skills for mobile first UI design. An excellent collection of resources to help anyone make the transition all it takes motivation and desire to make a career change.

I started with familiar software Adobe Ai, PSD, Indd and then moved to Brackets. Conquered my fear of the terminal only to learn it was the best decision to work seamlessly into GitHub and using Atom as my editor. Pushed aside Photoshop, and Illustrator and switched to Adobe XD for UI designs. Already a Creative Cloud user it only made sense to stay within the Adobe family. I know that is still in Beta and how far behind Adobe is compared to Sketch and I learned that lesson within the first 36 hours of using SketchApp.

The first day I couldn’t stop saying WOW! I can get all my code and plan my CSS file by exporting all my code from Sketch into the code editor. I can map my keyboard and tablet with ease and how seamless the interaction between SetchApp and Invison. The endless list of helpful Plug-Ins, Nudgit is my sidekick to get that perfect pixel alignment, and CRAFT all-in-one beauty of a plug-in.

I hope to pick-up this software quickly and apply as many case studies and lessons as I can before the year ends. Hopefully by then I could be ready for a career change and reach new heights.

Thanks again for the article.

P.S. “ I purchased your book – SketchApp Essentials 2nd edition – an excellent book for anyone thinking of a career in UI Design and Develop a UX Workflow. “

