How the BlockToken ICO Platform Works

Ivan Mantelli
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2018

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) have been popular recently among venture capitalists, startups, and investors. In 2017, ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) outperformed Venture Capital in funding Blockchain startups. ICOs are an alternative way to raise capital from multiple sources for startups by allowing investors to buy tokens or coins. In 2018, we estimate the number of ICOs to be around 400.

Currently, approximately 10 new tokens are launched every day. However, whilst token buyers and venture founders may delve into the complex legal and technical functions of ICOs, they need a platform that automates the processes, from token issuance to marketing and ultimately exchange liquidity.

The BlockToken platform (BKT) offers a highly differentiated opportunity for early-stage startups, token designers and token buyers to undertake more efficient and less costly token offering projects. With a panel of services that redefine token purchasing and smooth trading, BlockToken is the “go to” platform for savvy early-stage blockchain projects.

The panel of activities when initiating an ICO.

What is BlockToken?

The Key Pillars to ICO offerings that BlockToken focuses on.

BlockToken appeals to a global audience of smart crypto buyers. Acting as a launch pad between early-stage ventures, Blockchain startups and token buyers, BlockToken is an innovative platform for managing, marketing and issuing tokens, that delivers the right strategy from business modelling, financial preparation, due diligence and vetting of offers to the development of audience.

Which problems does the platform solve?

According to research compiled by Fortune, 42% of founders and entrepreneurs who faced failure attributed it to a lack of market need for the product, while a staggering 29% of startups fail due to a lack of capital.

The BlockToken platform delivers a number of benefits to project creators and entrepreneurs including:

  • A speed of campaign execution — skipping the traditional 1 to 3-month timeframe to list tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges
  • A reduction of costs associated with expensive third parties — trading on BlockToken is cheaper and easier.
  • A simplification of token creation and liquidity — allowed by the Ethereum Blockchain technology

What are the Benefits for Token Holders on BlockToken?

BlockToken is an innovative solution that works across the Blockchain to deliver outstanding values in token creations.

Projects are scalable. The platform gives token holders and crypto experts access to early-stage venture with high potential. Tokens are liquid and are listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, which provides smooth, high-profit investment and trading. Tokens can also be sold from peer-to-peer.

BlockToken is seeking to develop the next generation tokens which would include complex tokens such asset-backed tokens, security tokens, smart tokens and voting tokens.

BlockToken is currently developing the technology to design and issue ERC20 smart contracts through an automated platform based on the Ethereum blockchain, which means security, and efficiency. The ERC20 protocol has many benefits among them transparency, ease of accessing developers and a broad liquid market.

Dynamic, Fast Growing Market

BKT centers on Blockchain powered ventures that plan to undertake a token offering. Already by May 2018, token offerings have raised $4.9 billion with 767 completed projects. The Blockchain market size is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 61.5% by 2021.

Drive Audience Engagement through Marketing Programs

A range of marketing programs will be offered designed to help early-stage blockchain ventures reach their objectives and to build an audience around the token issuance. These programs are broadly centred around three levels or types of ICOs.

Tailored Marketing Programs available on BKT

BKT Token Whitelisting

BlockToken is planning a token issuance with a whitelisting process beginning in June and July 2018.

You can join the BlockToken Telegram community at

The whitelist form is available at

More information about BlockToken is available on

Originally published at Kapitalized.



Ivan Mantelli

ICO and Security Tokens Adviser and Commercial Strategy for Blockchain Ventures