The world is larger than “Please, find attached…”

Ivanka Tabachuk
4 min readAug 4, 2019


So, here are eight promised alternatives for “please, find attached…”, which I consider much better for modern business communication. Of course, this is all about nuances, but they can make a big difference.


  1. A file without any explanation
  2. “Here is …”

3. “I’ve attached …”

4. “This [Х] + verb …”

5. “I’m sharing [X] with you.”

6. “Let me know if you have any questions about the attached ….”

7. “Here’s that document I promised you.”

8. A blank email

The shorter, the better

# 1. Just enclose a file without any explanation.

UX of the most mail agents presupposes that you can easily notice an attachment if any. Even if there is no written indication about it, and if you also ‘hint’ about the attachment in the subject line, your file will never be overlooked.

For example:

# 2. “Here is…”

My favourite option — “Here’s [Х].” Short, simple, precise, elegant and up to a point.


# 3: “I’ve attached…”

One more personalised alternative for those who cannot think of an email with a file without the word ‘attached’.

For example:

# 4: “This [X] + verb …”

It is also possible to inform about the attachment in the following way: “This case study includes …” or “This presentation explains …”

For example:

# 5: “I’m sharing [X] with you.”

The other excellent option that subtly demonstrates your intention to collaboration and partnerships.

For example:

# 6: “You’ll find the attachment below.”

If neither of the above suits and you still worry that your attachments would pass unnoticed, especially if you are sending a long-read email, type “You’ll find the attachment below.”.

For example:

# 7: “Let me know if you have questions about the attached …”

One more option which combines the call to action and the information about attachment.

For example:

# 8: Blank email

Yep, you’ve read right. If your email goal is to send an attachment — send it, without any word escort. And this isn’t disrespectful in some contexts.

For instance, a situation:

you send a colleague a .docx file. But he/she is on a business trip without a laptop. And it is more convenient to read a .pdf on a smartphone, so you are asked to resend the file in the .pdf extension. It is absolutely ok just to resend the reformatted file. No sense duplicating the original text or writing something like: “Hope this will be more comfortable for you” — it may be perceived as sarcasm.

So, as you may see, “please, find attached…” is not the only pebble on the beach, there are alternatives. Just choose yours!

Ukrainian version of the article —

