Google Ads Looker Studio Report Template

Ivan Palii
3 min readDec 9, 2023


While working on the template to merge Google Ads and Search Console, I decided to go further and make something valuable only for Google Ads.

Google Ads is trying to develop its own Dashboards and Reports tools inside the application, but so far they are far behind the capabilities of Looker Studio.

Simple chart building in Google Ads
Dashboard building in Google Ads
Reports building in Google Ads

My Google Ads Looker Studio report template is a ready-made solution that you do not need to configure additionally.

A few things that I appreciate most about this template:

1. A simple but comprehensive overview of core metrics by conversions, money, and competition

Scorecards with core metrics by conversions, money and competition
Charts with Search Impression share and Competitors Search Impression share

2️⃣ The table to quickly check which search terms and campaigns were shown for the last days (especially valuable when you just started or edited a campaign and need to prove that everything goes as planned).

Monitor the last impressions and clicks by search terms and campaigns

3️⃣ Tables with overall performance by days, weeks, and months. Conditional formatting helps identify valuable insights quickly.

4️⃣ Charts and pivot tables where you can research dynamics of chosen metrics by campaigns, countries, search keywords, search terms, or final URLs.

Monitor dynamic of a specific metric by countries, campaigns, search keywords, final URLs

5️⃣ Scatter charts to look for insights into which campaign, country, search keyword, search term or final URL performs better and has a better potential for growth.

Scatter charts to identify the most valuable countries
Scatter chart and table to identify the most valuable keywords by Keyword Quality Score

6️⃣ All search terms with performance metrics grouped by final URLs.

Search terms grouped by final URLs.

