Cultivating Technical Leadership

Part of The PIRATE Way — Stories about scaling up engineering teams.

Ivan Peralta
11 min readOct 25, 2023


Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash


In the multifaceted world of technology organizations, the roles of Technical Leads and Engineering Managers often intertwine, creating a complex tapestry of leadership. This article delves into the distinctive elements and intrinsic responsibilities that shape the Technical Lead’s role, distinct yet complementary to that of the Engineering Manager, as elucidated in the preceding discourse.

A Dance of Dual Roles

Contextual Premise

In the intricate ecosystem of technology enterprises, the dichotomy of roles — specifically, the Technical Lead and Engineering Manager — is often a subject of nuanced discourse. Each role is woven with distinct threads of responsibilities and expectations, yet their intersection is unavoidable and often necessary. It’s a dance of dual roles, where technical prowess and managerial adeptness form intricate patterns of organizational symphony.

Talent and Skills

Every individual is imbued with a unique blend of skills and talents. Some technical leads weave magic, maximizing the team outcomes, but may need to be more inclined toward managerial nuances. Similarly, there are those adept at human and organizational management, nurturing talent, and driving teams toward efficiency and innovation. They may need to delve deeper into the granularities of codes and technical architectures. Adapting your approach to the talent available is essential.

The Essence of Long-term Partnerships

Adaptability is the linchpin of survival and growth in the volatile and dynamic landscape of tech organizations, particularly startups, and scale-ups. The structural and functional fluidity of teams, the evolving scopes of roles, and the realignment of responsibilities are inevitable. In such scenarios, the consistent presence of a line manager ensures stability, anchoring the team amidst organizational tides and transformations. When technical leadership is intertwined with line management, every structural shift could potentially unsettle this anchor, affecting members' morale and career development.

Dynamics of Healthy Tension

The intersection of technical and managerial roles can birth a healthy tension. It’s a dynamic where the technical lead focuses on optimizing team output and innovation while the manager is attuned to individual development and career progression. This duality can foster a balanced ecosystem, where team members are not just cogs in the organizational machine but nurtured assets evolving in their career trajectories.

Yet, this is a more complex dyad of roles. It’s a complex, evolving relationship where the manager and technical lead collaborate, not as adversarial entities, but as partners. They are the dual lenses through which team members are viewed, evaluated, and nurtured. While conflicts are inevitable, they are not destructive; instead, they are the crucibles from which refined strategies and solutions emerge.

Pathways to Career Opportunities

The distinction of roles also unravels avenues for diversification in career opportunities. When roles are defined and separate, the pathways for growth multiply. Team members can gravitate towards technical mastery or managerial adeptness based on their innate skills and aspirational trajectories.

In this expanded landscape, career growth is not linear but multidimensional, offering team members the luxury of choice and the opportunity for holistic development.

Concluding Reflection

The dance of dual roles is not a mechanical choreography but an evolving, organic interplay. It’s a dynamic where roles, while distinct, are not isolated. They exist in a relational dynamic, each amplifying and complementing the other. In this intricate dance, the organization grows in quantitative metrics and evolves in its qualitative essence, becoming a crucible where technical innovation and human aspiration coexist and flourish.

The Multifaceted Technical Leader

Photo by Alejandro Piñero Amerio on Unsplash

A Technical Leader is not just a sentinel of code but a strategist, a communicator, and a visionary. The role extends into team management, delivery processes, domain ownership, and stakeholder management. These multifaceted elements unite to form a leader who transcends technical expertise to embody organizational vision and innovation.

Team Management

Resource Optimization

Technical Leaders are instrumental in ensuring that both human and technical resources are maximized. They don’t just fill roles; they align specific skills and talents with the unique needs of each project. Every recruitment and placement is strategic, ensuring that each team member isn’t just a fit for their role but enhances the collective capability of the team.

In the onboarding phase, new members are seamlessly integrated into their designated roles and the broader organizational culture and ethos. It’s a well-choreographed introduction designed to instill a sense of belonging and purpose from day one.

Continuous Improvement

Technical Leaders are also the driving force behind a team’s evolution from its forming stage to becoming a high-performing unit. Their approach is rooted in a mix of strategic insights and tangible metrics, ensuring that improvement isn’t just an aspiration but a measurable outcome.

They create an environment where learning and growth are constant, and innovation is a collective pursuit. Every project is an opportunity to enhance skills, improve processes, and elevate the team’s overall performance.


In essence, a Technical Leader’s role in team management is a delicate balance of optimizing resources and fostering an environment of continuous improvement. Each aspect feeds into the other, creating a dynamic, adaptable, and innovative team ready to tackle the complex challenges of the tech landscape.

Delivery Process

Agile Ecosystem

In the dynamic theatre of tech environments, Technical Leads wear multiple hats — enablers, facilitators, and guardians of the agile ecosystem. It isn’t a static role but an adaptive one, transforming with the evolving needs of the team and organizational objectives.

Consider the implementation of Scrum or Kanban — these aren’t just methodologies but tools in the hands of the Technical Lead, molded and adapted to fit the unique contours of the team’s landscape. For instance, a project aiming to innovate might find the flexibility of Kanban to be instrumental, allowing the team to pivot and adapt swiftly to new insights. On the other hand, a well-defined, scope-bound project might bask in the structured rhythms of Scrum.

Guardians of Focus

Beyond methodologies, Technical Leads are also the guardians of focus. Picture a scenario where multiple projects clamor for attention — it’s a moment where the Technical Lead steps into the arena, adept at negotiating and prioritizing.

There’s an art to ensuring that team members aren’t pulled into silos but work in unison, their energies harmonized for collective productivity. The Technical Lead is often found at this intersection, ensuring the team’s cognitive load is balanced and the sense of progress and accomplishment is tangible.

Operational Modes: War and Peace

But the arena isn’t always predictable — there are ‘war’ and ‘peace’ times, each demanding a distinct set of strategies and responses. In the calm of ‘peace’ times, the focus is on steady progress, skill enhancement, and process optimization. But ‘war’ times, marked by crises or escalated demands, call for a gear shift.

Imagine a system outage or a security breach — a ‘war’ time scenario. The Technical Lead isn’t just a manager but a commander, orchestrating the team’s skills and focus precisely. Morale, focus, and adaptability become the cornerstones. The team is rallied, not just to address the immediate crisis but to emerge resilient and empowered.

In ‘war’ times, the delivery process isn’t just about timelines and outputs but about maintaining the team’s psychological safety and morale. It’s about ensuring that amidst the high-paced demands, the team’s spirit and cohesion aren’t just maintained but are amplified.


In essence, the delivery process under the stewardship of a Technical Lead is an adaptive dance. It’s a journey through the structured lanes of agile methodologies, the focused pathways of prioritization, and the adaptive terrains of operational modes. Every practice, every strategy, is a note in this intricate symphony, orchestrated with precision to navigate through the evolving landscapes of tech environments, ensuring that amidst the demands and dynamics, the team’s cohesion, morale, and productivity are not just preserved but are elevated to new pinnacles of excellence.

Domain Ownership

Metrics Navigation

A Technical Lead’s role in domain ownership is characterized by meticulous metrics navigation. Take, for instance, the integration of Application Performance Management (APM) dashboards. These aren’t just visual representations but a rich tapestry of insights reflecting the team’s ownership performance in real time. Every spike, every dip, is a narrative of system health, user experience, and operational efficiency.

Consider SLA dashboards, another vital tool. They aren’t passive monitors but active sentinels, ensuring that service levels aren’t just met but exceeded. When an anomaly surfaces, it isn’t a glitch but an opportunity — a moment for the Technical Lead to dive deep, analyze, and optimize.

Engineering Sustainability

But beyond the real-time is the strategic — the realm of engineering sustainability. Here, a Technical Lead isn’t just a navigator but a visionary. The backlog isn’t a list but a strategic asset populated with tech debt redressals, proofs of concept, and innovation initiatives.

For instance, during OKRs or other strategic planning sessions, a Technical Lead is armed with a well-curated engineering backlog. It’s a blend of immediate fixes and long-term enhancements. Tech debts aren’t just logged but analyzed for impact, urgency, and business alignment. Every entry is a conversation starter, an influence point to advocate for engineering vitality amidst business delivery goals.

Imagine a scenario where a recurring performance issue surfaces in the APM dashboard. The Technical Lead doesn’t just address the symptom but dives into the backlog, aligning tech debt redressal or architectural enhancement initiatives to business OKRs. It’s a compelling narrative where engineering health and business vitality are intertwined, each enabling and amplifying the other.


In essence, domain ownership for a Technical Lead is a harmonious integration of the immediate and the strategic. It’s where APM dashboards meet strategic backlogs, real-time insights blend with strategic foresight, and the tactical and visionary coexist. Every metric, every backlog entry, is a piece of a jigsaw puzzle — meticulously pieced together to create a panoramic view of engineering excellence rooted in business vitality.

In this role, Technical Leads are guardians, navigators, storytellers, and strategists, weaving a narrative where metrics and sustainability are chapters of a single, compelling story of engineering and business harmony.

Stakeholder Management

Relationship Architect

In the rich tapestry of organizational dynamics, Technical Leaders emerge as architects of relationships. They don’t just lead teams but weave networks of relationships that are intricate, strong, and responsive. Their role extends beyond the confines of technical deliverables, venturing into the nuanced terrains of human interactions and expectations.

Consider a scenario where a project unfolds, each phase revealing complexities and inviting a chorus of perspectives, insights, and expectations. Internal stakeholders, from product managers to UX designers, bring diverse visions. External entities, like clients or partners, inject their anticipations. Here, the Technical Leader is not just a manager but an interpreter and negotiator.

For instance, when collaborating on a new feature release, the Technical Leader might engage in dialogues ensuring that the engineering team’s perspectives align with the product vision while accommodating the user experience insights. They could be the conduit, ensuring that feedback loops are established and active, responsive, and productive.

Leadership Symbiosis

But amidst this network of relationships, a special one stands out — the rapport between Technical Leads and their direct leaders. It’s not just hierarchical but symbiotic, a dynamic dance of expectations, feedback, and growth.

Imagine a Technical Leader stepping into a new project. An unwritten contract comes to life — a set of expectations, deliverables, and feedback mechanisms. The direct leader might anticipate proactive communication, risk mitigation strategies, and innovative insights. The Technical Leader, in turn, might look forward to strategic guidance, support, and growth opportunities.

In a specific project scenario, a Technical Leader could be expected to provide regular updates, not just on the successes but the challenges, the roadblocks, and the uncertainties. On the other hand, the direct leader becomes the source of strategic insights, steering the project through organizational landscapes and ensuring that resources, support, and recognition are aptly channeled.

Closing Thinkings

In essence, Stakeholder Management for a Technical Leader is an art. It’s about weaving responsive and resilient relationships, ensuring that the technical team isn’t an island but a part of a vibrant ecosystem. It’s about ensuring that communication isn’t just functional but strategic and that feedback isn’t just received but is acted upon.

The Technical Leader emerges as a pivotal force in the dynamic interplay of expectations and deliverables. They are not just leading teams but are shaping ecosystems, not just delivering projects but building bridges, ensuring that in the intricate dance of stakeholders’ expectations, the team’s innovation, productivity, and morale are amplified.

Cultivating Technical Leaders: A Tailored Approach

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

In the realm of technical leadership, one size does not fit all. The demands and expectations from a Technical Leader are as diverse as the organizational cultures in which they are nurtured. A tech environment thriving on the rigor of quarterly OKRs demands a different set of skills and adaptability compared to a startup ecosystem that is more fluid and dynamic.

Contextual Calibration

The first step towards nurturing Technical Leaders lies in aligning the expectations and skill sets with the organizational ethos. If your company is ingrained in the rhythms of quarterly OKRs, the leader must be adept at aligning team goals, measuring progress, and navigating the complexities of it. The tools at disposal, be it New Relic for real-time performance insights or Datadog for cloud-scale monitoring, each adds a layer of capability and responsibility to the leader’s role.

Documentation and Training

Comprehensive documentation and a dynamic training program can be the linchpins. Imagine a repository that is not just a compendium of knowledge but a living entity, evolving with every project, success, and challenge. It’s a resource where future leaders can immerse, derive insights, and prepare themselves for the journey ahead.

For instance, a new Technical Leader stepping into the role could be greeted with a curated training module. This isn’t a generic induction but a tailored walkthrough aligned with the organization's specific tools, processes, and expectations. Every nuance of operating in an environment of Continuous Deployment, every subtlety of engaging with stakeholders, and every challenge of aligning with OKRs is unveiled.

The Guild of Technical Leaders

Yet, in this journey, the Technical Leader isn’t solitary. A guild where leaders converge, share, learn, and evolve can be a powerful catalyst. It’s a space where challenges aren’t just shared but are collectively dissected, where insights aren’t just presented but are collaboratively enhanced.

Imagine a monthly convergence where a Technical Leader shares the intricate dance of navigating a project aligned with stringent OKRs while balancing the nuances of stakeholder expectations. It’s a narrative enriched with peers' collective insights, experiences, and wisdom. Every challenge encountered is not just an individual learning but becomes a collective insight, enhancing the collective intelligence of the guild.

Navigating the Journey

Raising Technical Leaders isn’t a linear journey but a dynamic evolution. It’s about fostering an environment where learning is continuous, where challenges are not barricades but stepping stones, and where leadership is not just about leading teams but about navigating the intricate labyrinths of organizational dynamics, technical excellence, and human engagements.

In this tailored approach, every tool, every process, and every dynamic is not just a component but a catalyst, each adding a unique dimension to the leader’s journey. From the rigors of OKRs to the dynamism of Continuous Deployment, from the insights gleaned from APMs to the collective wisdom of the guild — each is a chapter in the enriching narrative of cultivating Technical Leaders.

In Closing

Navigating the intricate landscape of technical leadership is a dynamic journey. It requires a harmony between technical skills and strategic thinking, woven into the roles of Technical Leaders and Engineering Managers. Each role, distinct yet intertwined, contributes to the larger narrative of organizational innovation and growth.

Technical leadership isn’t static; it’s an evolving process enriched by continuous learning, adaptation, and shared wisdom within professional guilds and communities. The journey is marked by the integration of tailored training, specific organizational contexts, and collective experiences that shape and refine the role.

As we conclude, remember that technical leadership is about weaving a rich tapestry of innovation, efficiency, and human connection. It’s a continuous journey, not a destination, marked by evolution, challenges, and growth, each contributing to the unfolding narrative of technological and organizational excellence.

Every challenge and success adds a unique thread to this intricate weave, making technical leadership a living, evolving entity, echoing every leader's collective yet distinct narratives in the tech landscape.

Remember: This is a blog post from the series “The PIRATE way.”



Ivan Peralta

CTO | Engineering Leader transforming ready-to-grow businesses into scalable organizations. For more information please visit