Take This Job and Shove it! 5 Things That Should Make You Go “HMMM”

Ivan Widjaya
4 min readDec 7, 2017


We’ve all worked crappy jobs. But, how is a crappy job defined? The answer is different for everyone, even though there are definite negative triggers the majority of us all share.

In the end, there are certain behaviors that should make anyone go “HMMM” and make you seriously consider abandoning ship.

1. Someone blatantly takes credit for something great you did.

In such instances when this kind of ignorance is displayed, the only thing you can do (at first) is to go straight for the throat of the person who stole your much deserved credit. Approach them in private, tell them that ‘you know’ that they know ‘that it was you who came up with the idea or completed the project’ and not them.

If it happens again, it’s time to revert to your schoolyard ways and go tattle to the manager — if the manager gives you guff, you’ll have to decide whether you’re willing to put up with this kind of underhanded behavior moving forward.

If it’s your boss that takes your credit, ask yourself if the job’s really worth it if you can’t get ahead because of credit-stealers?

2. Nobody’s taking a vacation this year.

In the startup world, this may end up being the norm if the business is set to explode and deadlines are looming hard. However, in an established business, this is a huge red flag that you’re not valued and may be best making a move (out of the company).

In several companies, such as Canada, it’s the law that a provider give you two weeks or more of vacation every year, with pay. Some employers skirt around this by simply paying out the 4% or more in pay, and don’t encourage their employees to take any time off.

However, an employer committed to keeping you long term will understand the importance of work-life balance and force you to take the time off.

3. Lack of accountability in the company culture.

We all rely on those we work with or live amongst to be honest. To keep their word and have the gumption to admit when we’ve done wrong. When you’re working in an environment where accountability isn’t a requisite for the job, you’re knee deep in a very toxic situation.

Not only will you be blamed and shamed when someone else does something wrong, if you stick around, the crowd will eventually turn you. One day, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you’re not even fit to work anywhere else because your morals have been irrevocably damaged.

Accountability is one of the fundamentals of professionalism and success. Hopefully, you’ll read the writing on the wall and ditch such a gig before it damages your insides!

4. Coworkers are always sick and management doesn’t give a crap.

I’ve dealt with the aftermath of the chronically sick coworker more than I care to admit. This is a big problem in lower paying jobs, but can trickle up to every level of business, as there are a lot of unhappy people, and unhappy people find a way to convince themselves not to get out of bed for work.

While this will happen, if management doesn’t seem to care that you and others are always taking up the slack, you have to decide if the extra workload and stress is really worth the paycheck. A good manager will demand the ill employee get doctor’s notes backing their claim and follow all the rules regarding chronic sick days, leading up to forcing them to take medical leave and eventual termination.

As human beings, we need to be compassionate, but we also shouldn’t be forced to work with people who aren’t equipped to do the job they’re paid for.

5. Your boss is a micromanaging pain in the “rear”.

Some people can work, even thrive, in an environment where their boss is constantly looking over their shoulder. For most, it leads to burnout and believe it or not, a shorter lifespan. The last thing any of us dreamed of as children was getting a job that would kill us.

Bosses who micromanage rarely change, unless they’re mentored and learn the ill of their ways early on. Most employees don’t have the courage to tell them either.

As with all the things I’ve mentioned, you really have to decide if that’s how you want to spend approximately 1842 hours of every year of your life.

This article appeared first on Biz Epic



Ivan Widjaya

Webpreneur. Blogger. Influencer. Owner of Noobpreneur — http://www.Noobpreneur.com, Biz Epic http://www.BizEpic.com, and several others.