Dale Ivarie
14 min readFeb 2, 2017

Trump, White Nationalists and Neo Nazis

“Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign,” said white nationalist Andrew Anglin.

addictinginfo: Neo-Nazis Are Flocking To Trump’s Campaign And Openly Bragging About It, September 29, 2016

The following is just a collection of links to articles and quotes from articles that I gathered during the election, about Trump, Trump surrogates, advisors and associates, as well as articles about neo nazis, white nationalists and other bigots who fervently supported Trump, and still do.

These relationships are not coincidental, there are too many for that to be the case.

This issue came up during the election and I recognized it was likely to continue to come up again and again during the election. It did. I began keeping Track of articles about Trump/white nantionalists/neo nazis. Some people will throw up their hands and say “well the neo nazi’s and white power folks have to support some one, so who cares if they support trump”. Well, yes, but the difference is how widespread, involved and intense the support is. A huge number of these groups and personalities have endorsed trump, the constantly talked about him (and continue to do so) on websites, youtube channels, and radio shows. They have robo called for him during the primaries in multiple states, they are robo calling in the general, and running radio ads for him, they ended up as his convention delegates showed up at this rallies in neo nazi uniforms. They have gone after jewish reporters who have been critical of trump, stalking and harassing them online, posting their personal details and issuing death threats.

What is even more troubling is Trumps reaction. He could have easily rebuked their endorsements, derided their racists ideology, eschewed their online persecution of jewish journalists. That’s not what he has done. He has begrudgingly disavowed David Dukes endorsement after being pressed on the issue, he has refused to oppose the persecution of jews online. Worse he has been retweeting the fuck out of white supremacist and neo nazi memes and other tweets. His son campaign staff and surrogates have appeared on white nationalist radio, podcast and other shows. This all amounts to encouraging and dog whistling the hell out of this hateful demographic, and at this point there is no doubt he is doing it on purpose.

When people say “oh but Obama/Hillary have BLM supporters or rev wright” well it’s a case of size, scale and intensity. What we have seen with the white power folks and trumps campaign is something we have never seen before in modern U.S. history

My apologies, for the formatting, etc, this is really just to try and put all the links I have gathered in one place. I intend to write shorter articles using the links found below.

I must admit this list is no where near complete there is so much more out there.

Buzzfeed:Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump Aug. 26, 2015

Over a long career, August Kreis III has been a white supremacist, a fringe Christian minister, a hater of Jews, a neo-Nazi and a Ku Klux Klan leader.

During the trial, Kreis had displayed a sign to the jury saying “Vote for Donald Trump.” The judge instructed the jury to disregard the sign and focus on evidence.

On Thursday, in a Lexington County courtroom, he became something else: a convicted child molester.

thestate: Judge gives Lexington County neo-Nazi 50 years for child molestation, NOVEMBER 5, 2015

Don Black has come a long way from leading the Ku Klux Klan. As the Grand Wizard, or national leader, of the group in 1978, he’s credited with growing the movement.

He says that now that work is largely being done by GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump

Businessinsider: The founder of a white nationalist website says Donald Trump is helping his cause, Dec. 14, 2015

Salon: Donald Trump supporter wants to burn a black man alive: “Light the motherf**ker on fire”, DEC 15, 2015

ABCnews: The White Nationalists Who Support Donald Trump Mar 10, 2016

Buzzfeed: How 2015 Fueled The Rise Of The Freewheeling, White Nationalist Alt Right Movement, Dec. 27, 2015

Two people appear to perform Nazi salute as they exit a Kansas City event for the leading Republican candidate

TimesofIsrael: Trump supporter yells ‘Go to Auschwitz!’, March 13, 2016

USnews: Man at Trump Rally Yells ‘Go Back to Africa’ at Black Woman, March 14, 2016

forward.com:My Trump Tweets Earned Me So Many Anti-Semitic Haters That I Bought a Gun, March 21, 2016

Salon: Trump supporters first pepper spray, then yell “n****r lover” to 15-year-old protester in Paul Ryan’s hometown, MAR 30, 2016

TPM: Virginia KKK Leader Endorses Trump: ‘What He Believes In, We Believe In, APRIL 30, 2016

Almost a dozen white men decked out in the regalia of a white supremacist group hung out toward the back of the Trump-loving crowd, cheering heartily at the mogul’s calls for stricter immigration enforcement, and eyeing police as they dispatched protesters.

The group is called Keystone United — also known as the Keystone State Skinheads — and it’s one of the better-organized state-level white supremacist franchises in the country.

Redstate:Donald Trump’s Troubling Appeal To Skinheads April 26, 2016

Asked by the disgusting and evil Jewish parasite Wolf Blitzer to denounce the Stormer Troll Army, The Glorious Leader declined.

The Jew Wolf was attempting to Stump the Trump, bringing up stormer attacks on Jew terrorist Julia Ioffe. Trump responded to the request with “I have no message to the fans” which might as well have been “Hail Victory, Comrades!”

Daily Stormer: Glorious Leader Donald Trump Refuses to Denounce Stormer Troll Army May 6, 2016

Froward.com: Michael Ian Black Trolled By Neo-Nazis for His Donald Trump Children’s book June 23, 2016

nydailynews: Donald Trump clearly bringing out worst of our country, including campaign worker sporting neo-Nazi tattoos March 17, 2016

Dailybeast: Stump for Trump’ Surrogates Promote The Donald on Neo-Nazi Show 03.25.16

Motherjones:Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California MAY 10, 2016

Motherjones: Donald Trump Has Another White-Power-Loving Delegate Chicago mortgage banker Lori Gayne doesn’t mind being called a racist. MAY 20, 2016

TPM: White Nationalist PAC Blankets Iowa With Robocalls For Trump, Jan 9, 2016

NBCnews: White Nationalist Records Robocalls for Trump in Utah MAR 3 2016

MSNBC: White nationalist blitzes Wisconsin with pro-Trump robocalls 04/04/16

timesofisreal: ‘Fire up the oven’: Neo-Nazis target Jewish candidate in CaliforniaTrump-supporting white supremacists use racist website to coordinate online attacks against Erin Schrode, 25, a candidate in state’s Democratic primary June 5, 2016

NBCnews: Outrage as Trump Inspired Candidate Wants to ‘Make America White Again JUN 23 2016

Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor for the New York Times, wrote about his experience as a victim of this harassment in a May 26 story.

“Hello ((Weisman)),” it began after Weisman tweeted a Washington Post article about Donald Trump titled “This Is How Fascism Comes to America.”

Weisman asked his harasser, @CyberTrump, to explain the symbol. “It’s a dog whistle, fool,” the user responded. “Belling the cat for my fellow goyim.”

themic.com: (((Echoes))), Exposed: The Secret Symbol Neo-Nazis Use to Target Jews Online, june 1, 2016

Trump is “giving us the old wink-wink,” wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of a white supremacist website called The Daily Stormer, after Trump retweeted two other “white genocide” theorists within a single minute. “Whereas the odd White genocide tweet could be a random occurrence, it isn’t statistically possible that two of them back to back could be a random occurrence. It could only be deliberate…Today in America the air is cold and it tastes like victory.”

Fortune: Donald Trump’s social media ties to white supremacists, MARCH 22, 2016

Politico reports that Stormfront, a Ku Klux Klan website, has seen a traffic spike that required a server upgrade in recent weeks. The site leaders have attributed this rise to Trump’s rhetoric, which they have used as an outreach point to say that Trump has tapped into sentiments typically ignored by mainstream politicians

Mediaite.com: White Supremacist Site Attributes Traffic Increase, Server Upgrade to Trump December 10th, 2015

Politico: White supremacist groups see Trump bump 12/10/15

CNN: Trump Tweets image of nazi uniforms July 16 2015

CNN: Trump retweets ‘Whitegenocide’ twitter user January 22 2016

TheHill: Trump retweets another apparent white supremacist — @keksec__org — April 19, 2016

TheVerge: Who at Trump’s campaign copied, modified, and tweeted neo-Nazi propaganda? July 3, 2016

TheMic: Donald Trump’s star of david Hillary Clinton meme was created by white supremacists July 2 2016

A study by the Twitter analytics firm Little Bird in January found that 62% of the accounts that Donald Trump rewteeted had ties to white supremacists

thinkprogress: 3 White Supremacists On Twitter That Inspire Donald Trump July 3, 2016

An analysis of Trump’s Twitter account revealed that his racism is no accident. Donald Trump has retweeted white supremacists 75 times since his campaign began.

Poiticususa: His Racism Is No Accident: Trump Has Retweeted White Supremacists 75 Times July 3rd, 2016

The Traditionalist Worker Party, known as a white nationalist group, said on its website that it had planned the Sunday event in conjunction with the Golden State Skinheads “to make a statement about the precarious situation our race is in” after “brutal assaults” at Donald Trump events in California.

LAtimes:7 stabbed at neo-Nazi event outside Capitol in Sacramento June 26, 2016

LAimes:The white nationalist group that was in the Sacramento clash plans to go to the GOP convention in Cleveland June 29, 2016

Media matters: “RNC Contact” Gave White Supremacist And Virulent Misogynist A Convention Pass **White Supremacist Used Pass To Broadcast Live For A Racist Program**, July 21 2016

“I’m overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues I’ve championed for years,” he (David Duke) said.

ABC NEWS: White Supremacist David Duke Announces Senate Run With Praise for Trump, 22 july 2016

Slate: Meanwhile, Donald Trump Did a Q&A Wednesday Night on a Hate Speech Forum July 28 2016

NPR: Former KKK Leader David Duke Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Voters Are His Voters, August 5, 2016

One person sent me a picture of a frog wearing Nazi garb and standing in front of Auschwitz’s gate with the caption “You get a gold star!”

Atlanta Jewish times: Trump Backers’ Anti-Semitic Taunts and Threats, AUGUST 1, 2016

buzzfeed:American Nazi Chair: Trump Win Would Be “A Real Opportunity” For White Nationalists- Aug. 6, 2016

Washington post: Donald Trump’s new favorite slogan was invented for Nazi sympathizers ‘America First’ was Charles Lindbergh’s motto in the 1930s, June 14 2016

U.S. uncut: ‘Lynch the ni**ers!’: This is how Trump supporters talk when they think no one is listening, Aug 17, 2016

thinkprogress:Donald Trump’s Strange New Attack On Hillary Clinton Echoes White Supremacists, aug 18 2016

“His summary of his tenure’s achievement reported as ‘…I fired the Jews,’ ” wrote Meyer, a former official in the Pentagon inspector general’s office whose grievance was obtained by McClatchy.

“In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. Crane on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews,” wrote Meyer,

McClatchy: Trump adviser accused of making anti-Semitic remarks, AUGUST 18, 2016

myfox8: Muslim woman kicked out of Donald Trump rally in Charlotte, aug 18th 2016

mediamatters: The Complete History Of Donald Trump’s Relationship With The White Nationalist Movement, August 18, 2016

CNN: Half-Indian man escorted out of Trump rally, Aug 19 2016

“He begins talking about Donald Trump rallies and attacking people at the Black Lives Matter protest,” police said

Salon: Washington man stabs kissing interracial couple, cites Donald Trump when arrested, Aug 19 2016

rightwing watch: Trump’s Dystopian TV Ad Cites Anti-Immigrant Group’s Attack On DACA/DAPA, Aug 19 2016

Per court documents, the attacker also told authorities that he “took a blood oath to fight on the street, and if he was let go tonight, he planned on heading down to the next Donald Trump rally and stomping out more of the Black Lives Matter group.”

atlanta black star: White Supremacist Stabs Random Black Man on Street, Said He Wanted to ‘Avenge Police’, aug 19 2016

Taylor, one of America’s foremost “racialists,” is impressed and relieved. “That’s a powerful appeal,” he said. “If he can just stick to that, he is in very good shape.”

Washington post: ‘Racialists’ are cheered by Trump’s latest strategy, aug 20 2016

NY daily news: Donald Trump staffers spew racism, hatred and violence on social media accounts, according to comprehensive AP review of their accounts, Aug 22, 2016

Act met a Trump supporter who compared “the Muslim” to “satanic cults” and cults “that sacrifice human babies”

Act also interviewed a group of young white men who were holding a large ““Diversity = White Genocide” banner.

Drag Queen Courtney Act Attends A Trump Rally, Meets Some Neo-Nazi Trump Fans

Wired: The Alt-Right’s Dark Army of Racist Trolls Just Had a Great Day, Aug 25 2016

BNR: #AltRightMeans: Trending Hashtag Brings Out Flood of Bigotry, Aug 25, 2016

In defense of flying the confederate flag a Trump advisor wrote…

In a Facebook post published Thursday, Miller suggests the Civil War was first and foremost about protecting free speech — not slavery.

Thinkprogress: Trump Adviser Argues The Civil War Was About Free Speech, Aug 26, 2016

“We’re losing our country. Look at the Super Bowl salute to the Black Panther cop killers. It’s time to stand up and vote for Donald Trump for president and vote for me, David Duke for the U.S. Senate.”

buzzfeed:David Duke Robocall Urges Voters To Vote For Him And Donald Trump, aug 29, 2016

Rawstory: Trump campaign CEO(Steve Bannon) didn’t want children ‘going to school with Jews’: court document, 26 aug 2016

Tom Foreman: “White Nationalist Publisher Jared Taylor Called The Speech ‘Almost Perfect’”

CNN Highlights White Nationalist Praise Of Trump’s Immigration Speech, Sept 1, 2016

“Followers of white nationalists on Twitter were heavily invested in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” the report says.

“White nationalist users referenced Trump more than almost any other topic, and Trump-related hashtags outperformed every white nationalist hashtag except for #whitegenocide.”

NY daily news: Neo-Nazis and white nationalists on Twitter are obsessed with Donald Trump, report says September 4, 2016

Raw Story: ‘Do the white thing’: Infamous Oregon neo-Nazi covers his truck in racist pro-Trump slogans 08 SEP 2016

media matters: “Alt-Right” White Nationalist Richard Spencer On Donald Trump: “This Is What We Want In A Leader” September 9, 2016

media matters: White Nationalist Richard Spencer: “We Have Been … Riding” Trump’s “Coattails” September 9, 2016

Raw Story: ‘Get the f*ck out of America, b*tches’: Crazed Trump fan attacks Muslim women pushing baby strollers 09 SEP 2016

Mediaite: Donald Trump Jr., Roger Stone, and David Duke Share Weird ‘Deplorables’ Memes. September 11, 2016

Two members of Donald Trump’s inner circle shared memes on social media over the weekend featuring a symbol popular with the white nationalist alt-right.

Riffing off of Hillary Clinton’s remark that some of Trump’s supporters are racists, misogynists, and xenophobes who belong in a “basket of deplorables,” the meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. and Trump ally Roger Stone showed key Trump allis photoshopped onto a poster from the move “The Expendables.” In the edited poster for “The Deplorables,” those armed staffers and Trump boosters are shown alongside Pepe the Frog, a cartoon figure that first cropped up on the 4chan website and has since become associated with the white supremacist movement online.

talking points memo: Trump Ally, Son Share Meme Featuring Symbol Of White Nationalist Alt-Right, SEPTEMBER 12, 2016

These Jews don’t seem to understand that linking Duke to Trump is a failing strategy. That’s OK though. I hope they keep doing it. It just means that Duke will be Louisiana’s next Senator and Trump will be President. [Infostormer, 9/12/16]

Media Matters: “Bravo!” White Nationalists Praise Mike Pence For Refusing To Call David Duke “Deplorable”, Sept 13, 2016

Self-Described “Racist” Trump Donor: “Jews Have To Leave America”

Mediamatters: Trump Campaign Accepts Donations From White Nationalist Leader, September 14, 2016

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again,” wrote Rocky J. Suhayda, the head of the American Nazi Party, last fall. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!” […]

“Our message is more visible than ever before,” Griffin wrote on his website. “It’s also all due to Trump’s presidential run…Can you imagine a world in which White Nationalists have come out of the closet, the charge of ‘racism’ elicits only a ‘meh’ and shrugged shoulders, and we have begun to openly organize?”

Dailykos: Donald Trump has white supremacist votes locked up: ‘Our message is more visible than ever before’, Sep 24, 2016

The Anti-Defamation League, on Tuesday, designated the cartoon character “Pepe the Frog” — an online favorite of white supremacists of the alt-right — an online hate symbol.

Slate: Anti-Defamation League Classifies White Nationalist Favorite “Pepe the Frog” Online Hate Symbol, SEPT. 27 2016

TPM: David Duke Records Robocall Urging Voters To Back Both Him And Trump, AUGUST 29, 2016

“Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign,” said white nationalist Andrew Anglin.

addictinginfo: Neo-Nazis Are Flocking To Trump’s Campaign And Openly Bragging About It, September 29, 2016

White supremacists are active on social media and their websites report a sharp rise in traffic and visitors, particularly when posting stories and chat forums about the New York businessman.

Stormfront, already one of the oldest and largest white nationalist websites, reported a 600% increase in readership since President Obama’s election, and now has more than one in five threads devoted to Trump. It reportedly had to upgrade its servers recently due to the increased traffic.

LAtimes:Trump’s rise draws white supremacists into political mainstream: ‘I am winning,’ says David Duke , September 29, 2016

yesterday another Trump aide, economic adviser Stephen Moore, appeared on “Liberty Roundtable” to spin Trump’s abysmal performance in the first presidential debate.

Rightwingwatch: Another Trump Adviser Appears On Radio Network That Features White Nationalists, 9/29/2016

medium.com: White Nationalist Robocall Says “Accept Donald Trump as Your Personal Savior”, October 6, 2016

Breitbart called campaign CEO Steve Bannon the “Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement” — for good reason.

alternet: Trump Campaign Leaders Made Movies Comparable to Nazi Propaganda, October 6, 2016

Eric Trump was interviewed on the “Liberty Roundtable” program with host Sam Bushman, who syndicates white nationalist James Edwards’ program “The Political Cesspool.”

Edwards’ program is considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center to be an “overtly racist, anti-Semitic radio show.”

CNN: Eric Trump appears on radio program that sparked controversy for his brother, October 6, 2016

Last May, William Johnson stepped down as a delegate for Donald Trump to the GOP national convention after Mother Jones revealed him to be the leader of the white nationalist American Freedom Party. Reluctant to draw negative attention to Trump, Johnson has largely receded from view since then — until yesterday, when the Los Angeles Times reported that Johnson’s white nationalist super-PAC is **funding pro-Trump radio ads set to run in more than a half dozen states.**

motherjones: White Nationalist Leader Doubles Down on Support for Donald Trump, OCT. 7, 2016

In March Trump Jr. retweeted a message by a writer who has complained about interracial dating and said that being gay is a birth defect. In the same month he sat for an interview with a radio host who has said that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to black Americans.

In July he “liked” a tweet by an account that often posts pictures of Jews with exaggeratedly large noses, cartoons in which Judaism is an octopus strangling the Earth, etc.

In August he retweeted an anti-Semitic “scholar” whose “work” on such subjects as the “the Jewish advantage in the possession of wealth” has been praised by David Duke.

In September he posted a white-supremacist “deplorables” meme and wrote that he was proud to be depicted in it alongside such individuals as far-right hate-speech hero Milo Yiannopoulos. Then he made a casual reference to gas chambers while complaining about the media. And then he tweeted a story about “Europe’s Rape Epidemic” which included the insane claim that “tens of thousands of young British girls” have been “brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by organised gangs comprised almost exclusively of Muslims.”

Slate: Hillary Should Not Respect Donald Trump Jr., Who Is a White Nationalist Stooge, OCT. 10 2016


`If Hillary wins, the Republican establishment will be totally discredited,’’ he said. ``The `alt-right’ will be the only option for the white working class. We will be become their de facto voice.’’

Heimbach is actively preparing for the possibility.

In 2018, he plans to run for a state legislature seat in Paoli, Indiana, where he moved in 2013.

4NBCwashington: In Age of Trump, Profile of Maryland White Nationalist Grows, OCT 19th 2016

Media matters: Trump Ally Roger Stone A Repeat Guest On White Nationalist-Supporting Radio Show, OCT 20th 2016

I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a “niglet” and a “dindu.” The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with “black bucks.” People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching.

Nationalreview: The Price I’ve Paid for Opposing Donald Trump, October 21, 2016

Miaminewtimes: Black Dummies Lynched Next to a Trump Sign for Halloween in Kendal, OCTOBER 28, 2016

TPM: White Nationalist’s Pro-Trump Robocall: Evan McMullin Is Gay, 10.31.16