You can say Murder, but Don’t say Vagina

Kori Iverson
1 min readNov 20, 2019


Airline Delta whom previously banned the same-sex love scenes from ‘Booksmart’ and ‘Rocketman’ has now made an executive decision to bring back the scenes due to backlash. The decision was made after the airlines custmers were appalled at the banning of the sexual encounters.

· And just like lesbian virgin Amy in Booksmart; the airline can’t figure out exactly how it should go down.

· Don’t tell me that people don’t know that Elton John is gay. Like how did that conversation go “Hey Robert, I don’t think this same-sex sex scene is appropriate because well, it’s Elton John, what if people don’t want to know that he’s gay?” “You’re right John, thank goodness this documentary called Rocketman isn’t about his life!”

It was stated that the airline works with a third-party company that edits the in-flight movies based on what they deem inappropriate for viewers.

· So, a pizza delivery guy who stammers in detail about kidnapping and murdering teenage girls is totally appropriate, because serial killers are trending. Ted Bundy for Student Body President. But don’t say vagina. Say murder all you want, no vagina.

