What Happens if You Miss an IVF Injection?

6 min readAug 1, 2023


Learn about the potential consequences of missing an IVF injection and the best course of action to take in such situations. Find comprehensive information on IVF procedures, how missing an injection can impact the process, and expert advice on what to do if you miss a crucial IVF injection.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a groundbreaking medical technique that has provided hope and joy to countless couples struggling with infertility. The IVF process requires precise timing and adherence to a well-defined protocol, including administering injections at specific intervals. But what happens if you miss an IVF injection? In this article, we will delve into the implications of missing an IVF injection and provide expert insights on how to handle this situation effectively.

The Importance of IVF Injections

Before exploring the consequences of missing an IVF injection, let’s understand the significance of these injections in the IVF process. IVF injections are an integral part of the treatment, aimed at stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs for retrieval. These injections primarily contain hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to encourage follicle development.

During IVF, precise control over the ovulation cycle is crucial for optimal success. The injections are time-sensitive and directly influence the number and maturity of the eggs, which, in turn, impacts the chances of successful fertilization and embryo implantation.

1. The Impact of Missing an IVF Injection

Missing an IVF injection can have significant implications for the success of the treatment cycle. The consequences vary based on when the injection was missed and the specific injection in question. Let’s explore some scenarios:

Impact on Follicle Development

When you miss an IVF injection that stimulates follicle growth, it may lead to irregular or inadequate development of follicles. This can result in reduced egg retrieval or eggs that are not mature enough for fertilization, affecting the chances of successful conception.

Disrupted Hormonal Balance

The IVF process relies heavily on maintaining a delicate hormonal balance. Missing injections can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to cycle cancellation or postponement. Hormonal fluctuations might interfere with the ideal conditions required for embryo implantation and early pregnancy development.

Reduced Pregnancy Success Rates

Studies suggest that missing crucial IVF injections can lower the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. The success rates of IVF are influenced by numerous factors, and adherence to the prescribed protocol is essential for optimal results.

Emotional Stress

Undergoing IVF treatment is emotionally taxing, and missing injections can exacerbate the stress and anxiety associated with the process. The fear of jeopardizing the chances of conception can take a toll on mental well-being.

Read More: How Many Injections for IVF Treatment?

2. What to Do If You Miss an IVF Injection

If you miss an IVF injection, it is essential not to panic and take appropriate action promptly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do in case of a missed injection:

Contact Your IVF Clinic Immediately

As soon as you realize that you missed an IVF injection, contact your fertility clinic without delay. Inform them about the missed dose and seek their guidance on the next steps.

Follow Medical Advice

Your fertility specialist will provide specific instructions based on your unique situation. They may ask you to administer the missed injection as soon as possible or adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Do Not Double Dose

While it may be tempting to make up for the missed injection by taking a double dose, this is not recommended. Doubling the dose can lead to complications and disrupt the carefully calibrated hormonal balance.

Stay Calm and Positive

Remember that one missed injection does not necessarily mean the end of your IVF journey. Stay positive and follow the guidance of your medical team to maximize your chances of success.

Learn From the Experience

Mistakes happen, and missing an IVF injection can be distressing. Use this as an opportunity to learn from the experience and be more vigilant in following the treatment plan going forward.

3. Tips to Avoid Missing IVF Injections

Prevention is always better than cure, and the same holds true for IVF injections. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your treatment schedule:

Set Alarms and Reminders

Use your phone or other devices to set up alarms and reminders for the injection timings. This simple practice can significantly reduce the chances of missing a dose.

Involve a Supportive Partner or Friend

Enlist the support of your partner or a close friend to help remind you of the injection schedule. Having someone to share the responsibility can be reassuring.

Create a Visual Chart

Visual aids, such as a chart or calendar, can be helpful in tracking your IVF injections. Mark the dates and doses clearly to keep yourself informed.

Keep Supplies Handy

Ensure that you always have the necessary injection supplies readily available. This includes needles, syringes, medications, and alcohol swabs.

Communicate Any Difficulties

If you encounter difficulties or challenges in adhering to the injection schedule, communicate openly with your fertility clinic. They may provide additional support or offer alternative solutions.

Read More: How Many Injections for IVF Treatment?

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s address some common questions related to missing IVF injections:

Q. Can one missed injection ruin an entire IVF cycle?

While missing an injection is not ideal, one missed dose may not necessarily ruin the entire IVF cycle. It depends on various factors, including the specific stage of treatment and the overall response to the protocol. Promptly contacting your clinic and following their advice can help minimize any negative impact.

Q. Is it normal to feel guilty after missing an IVF injection?

Feeling guilty or anxious after missing an IVF injection is entirely normal. The emotional journey of infertility treatments can be overwhelming, and setbacks can evoke strong emotions. Remember to be kind to yourself and seek support from your loved ones and mental health professionals if needed.

Q. Can I make up for a missed IVF injection by taking it later?

In most cases, taking a missed injection later than scheduled is not recommended. The timing of injections is crucial for maintaining the right hormonal environment for successful IVF. Consult your fertility specialist to determine the best course of action.

Q. What happens if I miss a trigger shot injection before egg retrieval?

The trigger shot is a crucial injection administered just before egg retrieval to induce ovulation. Missing this injection may lead to cycle cancellation or postponement, as it impacts the timing of the egg retrieval procedure. Contact your clinic immediately for guidance.

Q. How can I cope with the stress of IVF treatment?

Coping with the stress of IVF treatment involves finding healthy ways to manage anxiety and emotions. Engaging in relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practices, and seeking emotional support from friends, family, or support groups can be beneficial.

Q. Are there any alternative options if I miss multiple IVF injections?

If you miss multiple IVF injections, your fertility specialist may assess the situation and recommend alternative options. Depending on the stage of treatment and the reason for the missed injections, they may adjust the protocol or suggest a different course of action.


In conclusion, missing an IVF injection can have significant consequences on the success of the treatment cycle. It is essential to be proactive, stay informed, and promptly seek guidance from your fertility clinic if such a situation arises. Remember, setbacks are a natural part of the IVF journey, and with the right approach and support, you can navigate through them successfully. Stay positive, stay focused, and most importantly, believe in the possibility of a positive outcome.

