Ridding the World of Illness One Step at a Time

Saanvi Dixit
5 min readApr 26, 2020

Every year, millions of people die globally from illnesses, caused by all sorts of pathogens, viruses, gene mutations, you name it. Researchers all around the world are working to tackle these different problems, working to solve each disease, each illness, each infection.

Quaré sees things differently, though. We want to focus on diseases as a whole, focusing on their root problems and eliminating them. Instead of focusing on one disease at a time, we’re developing our technology so that we can target hundreds of diseases with similar characteristics.

Quaré aims to rid the world of illnesses through state-of-the-art pathogen-detection technology.

Company Culture

Quaré strives for a vision and mission that our employees will enjoy working to reach. Our core values are there to ensure an open, safe, and diverse environment that our employees will enjoy coming in to work every day. We respect their health and happiness, and we intend to maintain it within the company setting.

Our vision is using cutting-edge pathogen-detection technology to rid the world of all illnesses. We want to create a safer world and minimize the suffering people go through. For such an overarching goal, we encourage people to think big, to take a creative approach, a new perspective at tackling the problem.

Our mission is developing phage-based pathogen-detection technology to ensure people can eat safely. There are many ways we can tackle our vision, and Quaré has decided to start with food illnesses. Food is vital to human survival, and the WHO estimates that nearly 600 million people get sick from foodborne illnesses, and 420,000 dies. We want to solve this problem.

Quaré has 10 core values, a large part of our company culture, expectations, and the hiring process.

1. Seeking Constant Growth.

We never stop learning. We learn from each other, and we seek to gain new knowledge, experiences, and perspectives that we can apply in everyday life.

2. Know Your Self-Worth.

We put in the time to get to know ourselves, our strengths, weaknesses, and where we can improve. We try new things, and we never put ourselves or others down.

3. Share Information Openly, Broadly, and Deliberately.

We share information openly and proactively. We share ideas that will benefit Quaré, even if it is uncomfortable.

4. Aim to be On-the-Ball.

We are quick to adapt and learn in different situations. We are resilient in the face of adversity and we keep a fast-paced workflow.

5. Conformity Kills Creativity.

We appreciate all perspectives and remove roadblocks for one another to maximize our collective impact. We challenge ideas from a diverse set of perspectives which is essential for building great products.

6. Create a Tight Community.

We only say things about fellow employees we would say to their face. We go out of our way to interact with new people.

7. Take Necessary Risks

Sometimes we fail, but failure makes us smarter. We get back up, we take new risks, and we follow through!

8. Celebrate Others.

We stand apart from the average. We ensure people of diverse backgrounds and various ethnicities feel included. We encourage people to support each other no matter their differences.

9. Be Curious and Open-Minded.

Ask why. Search more. Participate. Create. We don’t rest in the belief that we have everything figured out. We always look forward to what is next.

10. Give and Seek High-Quality Authentic Feedback.

We value our honesty and directness. We seek to improve our co-workers. We keep the best company interests at mind and speak up when needed.

We want to hire people who can align with our vision, our mission, and our core values, and help us improve the world we live in today, especially during the tumultuous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating firsthand the negative impacts of illness.

Our Audience

Quaré aims to reach out to as many people as possible globally, to improve the lifestyle of billions.

Our target audience includes travellers, as well as people who are hygiene-friendly. Travellers would most likely use our food pathogen-detection product due to the uncertainty surrounding food in foreign countries, and our other products that will be introduced will most likely be beneficial for this audience as well.

We want our customers to feel safe, secure, and in control. Our products deliver this feeling through cutting-edge technology and clear, concise description that allows the customer to gain insight on the pathogen and the disease caused by it.


Currently, there is no technology that exists that can detect any bacterial or viral strain within a few minutes, which is why Quaré is looking for researchers who can help develop this breakthrough pathogen-detection technology.

However, there are currently methods for pathogen detection, and our company has decided to use biosensors, an external method to pathogen detection. One of the sensors which could be the foundation to our own technology is phage magnetoelastic sensors.

Bacteriophages are the most ubiquitous species on Earth. They infect bacteria exclusively and rely on their metabolism to reproduce and propagate. Tailed phages have protein molecules on their tail fibres that enable host-specific recognition of bacteria.

Their ability to infect bacteria in a strain-specific manner has enabled the development of specific biosensors to detect bacteria. However, Quaré aims to harness the potential of phages to detect all types of bacteria, not just specific strains.

The phage-based magnetoelastic (ME) biosensors have been successfully shown to detect various pathogens, including Salmonella, on food surfaces with high sensitivity and specificity.

MES are made of amorphous metallic glass ribbons and are wireless and passive.

The biosensor is composed of a Magnetoelastic (ME) resonator platform coated with a certain type of phage, engineered to bind with a target bacterial strain. The ME biosensors are wireless sensors, whose resonance oscillation and resonance frequency are actuated and detected through magnetic fields.

Magnetoelastic sensors are made from highly tensile materials, making them extremely sensitive to even the slightest pressure or fluctuation. Taking this into consideration, applied force, stress, pressure, and strain can be determined using MES.

Due to their small size, low cost, long lifetime, and passive and wireless characteristics, MES are ideal for biomedical applications. Due to these characteristics, Quaré intends to use these sensors as the foundation of our own cutting-edge technology.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can be used to verify the specific binding of the target bacterium to the biosensor.

In a nutshell, When the phage detects the bacteria, it will cause movement on the MES surface. That mechanical movement will generate a decipherable magnetic output. This output will be captured and transmitted over the Internet to Quaré’s centralized servers. This data will be available for the users through personalized apps.

Quaré aims to rid the world of all illnesses through our pathogen-detection technology. We look for people who can align with our vision, mission, and core values.

If you’re interested in joining us in our mission, you can contact us at Quaré.com

