Ivo VilchesinProducts for the PeopleCombatir el discurso del odio y la desinformación con… ¿juegos? 🤔Cómo diseñamos y desarrollamos NO MORE HATERS, una app híbrida para maldita.es, la FAD y Google.orgJul 8, 2021Jul 8, 2021
Ivo VilchesinProducts for the PeopleBattle APPgainst TimeCómo desarrollamos “TrenLab Quiz” y lanzamos justo a tiempo para el South Summit 😎Dec 3, 2019Dec 3, 2019
Ivo Vilches📈 10x app downloads — Breaking Down 4 months of A/B testingHere’s every step I followed to take a landing page from ~1% conversion rate to >10%Sep 9, 2019Sep 9, 2019
Ivo VilchesinCollisions ProjectsUX Engineers: the missing link? (spoiler: not really)My takeaways from the experiences of Google Material Design Engineering Manager Sol Chea and designers from Cabify, Liferay, Idealista and…Aug 23, 20191Aug 23, 20191