Transitioning to Go pt.2

Ivor Scott
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020


Part of the Go and React Series

Part 1 demonstrated a workflow for Go and React development using Docker and Makefiles. This post covers transitioning to Go.

We focus on:

Why Go?

1. Many Tools Are Written In Go

While deploying apps to the cloud I realized quite quickly that many of the tools I used were written in Go. Tools including Drone, Portainer, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform and Traefik. I began to wonder: What was I missing? What was so special about the language?

2. Renowned Creators

Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer, are the original creators of the language. All have amazing credentials. They are the same people behind Unix, UTF-8, the B programming language (predecessor to the C programming language) and the Hotspot JVM. Checkout out creating the Go programming language on Go Time.

3. Simple Concurrency Model

Concurrency is incredibly difficult to get right even when there is language support. Go has concurrency primitives called goroutines and channels designed for web scale. Go is a modern programming language that makes it easy to utilize all the cores on a multi-core…

