The Power of Imagination

Ivy Barrons
2 min readOct 19, 2022


The Mind’s Eye of Imagination

You have probably never heard of me, but I’m Ivy and I create my reality with my imagination.

How can I say this? Because I have learned that with my imagination I can use the theories of quantum physics, metaphysics, and spirituality to create the world I want to live in.

It’s not woo woo….it’s science! The science of manifestation is the process of using imagination to draw in the conditions that will get you what you want. Quantum physics says that reality is determined by your observation of it or your perception of the world. So, in that science, we can know that what we see in our perception will become reality.

I believe this strongly and it is essential that you do too if you want to achieve the life of your dreams!


I imagined an abundance of money and manifested multiple job opportunities in only a few days.

I imagined myself as a freelance writer and landed magazine publications and relationships that broke me into the music industry.

I imagined myself as beautiful and attractive and a happy person and people started commenting on this to me in a few weeks.

All of these examples are to show you that humans are all imagination and that if we can imagine our dream life we can achieve the dream life. It’s possible just as millions of lives are being imagined into existence every day.

The creative process of using the imagination is linked with your subconscious beliefs, which determine how reality appears and affects you.

Just look at all the people who use their imagination to invent things or create new lives for themselves and you’ll see this amazing tool being used in so many different ways.

What I do is:

  1. I gather information on the life that I want (how it looks, how it seems to feel, etc)
  2. I use the memories of feelings of joy and safety etc in my memories to apply this feeling to the imagined dream life I want.
  3. I imagine scenes of what I want happening as I go about my day and believe it will happen.
  4. I use my imagination to sense a scene of my dream life before I go to sleep in that drowsy state right before I actually fall asleep.

There’s nothing the imagination cannot achieve!



Ivy Barrons

I am a freelance writer/content marketer who blogs and loves traveling, family, personal development and being creative in life! Based in Los Angeles, CA.