This is a guide to install Mac OS on the Core i5 Surface Pro 3 if you have experience with the process and just need the device-specific information you can find the files here
What Works
Type Cover (Picks up as mouse rather than trackpad so no gestures. Keyboard works fine though.)
Clover from SSD
Graphics Acceleration
Wifi via iPhone tethering
What Doesn't Work
Onboard WiFI & Bluetooth
Battery Percent(There is a way just not that worked for me)
Graphics (They will sometimes glitch but not all too often.)
You will need
16GB Flash Drive
Mac(Can be another Hackintosh)
Mac OS Mojave Installer
Kexts And installers from here(Disclaimer: files may not be updated.)
External Wifi/Ethernet
External Bluetooth
Surface Dock(Ethernet apparently works OOTB)
Second USB for loading post-install resources
Prepare your Installer
Step 1
Use Disk Utility to format your USB to MacOS Extended Journaled and name it “USB”. Important: Make sure you have GPT selected or you will run into issues later. I know I selected the wrong one here but I fixed it afterward.
Step 2
Open Terminal and run the following command.
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ — volume /Volumes/USB
Once this finishes it should look something like this and you will have a USB installer capable of booting on a real mac. In the next part, we will install Clover.
Installing Clover
Step 1
Open the clover install package from the linked downloads page.
There will be a prompt hit Continue, then Continue again, and Continue a third time.
Step 2
You will be on this screen. Select ‘Install Mac OS Mojave’ as the destination.
Step 3
Make Sure you have a green arrow on your USB otherwise it will install somewhere else. Then hit Continue
Step 4
On this screen double check that you have your USB selected then hit install.
Step 5
After you hit install it will prompt you for your password, enter it then hit ‘Install Software’.
Step 6
If there were no problems you should now have clover installed. Hit Close as we are done with the installer.
Configuring Clover
Now that we have clover installed we need to configure it so it will boot correctly on the surface.
Step 1
Download and run Clover Configurator. You should be on this screen.
Step 2
Click ‘Mount EFI’
Step 3
Look under the ‘Efi Partitions’ section, and click the ‘Mount Partition’ button next to ‘Install Mac OS Mojave’. It will prompt for your password, this gives the app the permission to mount the EFI partition of your USB drive.
Step 4
You should now see an EFI drive in the finder or on your desktop. Open it and replace what's there with the folder from my Github.
Rest Coming Soon
The computer died that I was writing this on. I am working to get the files on another computer. I am publishing this as it should still help people that are stuck trying to get it to work.