Never-before-seen “vampires” appear in the twilight zone of the East Sea

2 min readJul 6, 2024


The East Sea’s twilight zone, a dimly lit realm between 200 and 1,000 meters deep, has a new resident: the Vampyroteuthis pseudoinfernalis, a previously unknown “vampire” squid.

Vampire squids are a unique group named for their dark, almost sinister appearance. They have eight webbed tentacles that can be connected to form a cloak-like veil around their bodies. This new species, Vampyroteuthis pseudoinfernalis, continues the tradition with its jet-black colored body.

The vampire squid thrives in the ocean’s twilight zone, where sunlight barely penetrates. This dimly lit environment offers some visibility but isn’t completely dark like the deeper trenches.

A team led by marine biologist Dajun Qiu from China’s East Sea Institute of Oceanography discovered this new species in the southern waters near Hainan Island. It dwells at depths of 800–1,000 meters, right in the heart of the twilight zone. Interestingly, this is the second vampire squid in this region, the other being Vampyroteuthis infernalis.

Vampyroteuthis pseudoinfernali stands out with its growth pattern. Unlike its close relative, it develops a second set of fins near its head as it matures, while its original set disappears. Preserved specimens resemble black blobs of gelatin, but in its natural habitat, the squid likely unfurls its “cloak” and glides gracefully through the water.

Despite the name, vampire squids are far from bloodthirsty creatures. They’re scavengers, feeding on marine snow (dead organic matter sinking from the surface) and other animal waste.

The discovery of Vampyroteuthis pseudoinfernalis adds another chapter to the story of vampire squids. While only two species exist today, scientists believe they had many more ancient relatives that have since vanished.

This new finding sheds light on the diversity of life in the deep sea and reminds us that there’s still much to discover in the ocean’s twilight zone.

Watch the video “Never-before-seen “vampires” appear in the twilight zone of the East Sea” here:




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