Medium vs. Wattpad: Exploring the Contrasts and Benefits.

Iwan Ross
8 min readJun 6, 2023
Medium vs. Wattpad: Exploring the Contrasts and Benefits.

Medium and Wattpad are both popular online platforms for writers and readers, but they differ in their focus and user base. Here are some key differences between Medium and Wattpad:

1. Purpose and Content: Medium is primarily a platform for publishing and sharing long-form articles, essays, and blog posts across a wide range of topics. It caters to a diverse audience seeking informative, thought-provoking, and in-depth written content. In contrast, Wattpad is primarily a platform for sharing and discovering original stories and books, including fiction, fanfiction, and poetry. It is more focused on creative writing and storytelling.

2. User Base: Medium attracts a wide range of writers, including professionals, experts, journalists, and bloggers who aim to share their knowledge and perspectives. The readers of Medium are often seeking informative and well-researched articles. On the other hand, Wattpad has a large community of amateur and aspiring writers, as well as readers who enjoy exploring and engaging with various genres of creative writing.

3. Monetization: Medium offers a Partner Program that allows writers to earn money through their writing by participating in the Medium Partner Program, where readers can subscribe to their content. Wattpad, on the other hand, has its own monetization program called Wattpad Paid Stories, where writers can earn revenue from their stories. It also has opportunities for writers to gain exposure and even land publishing deals through its Wattpad Studios.

4. Discoverability: Medium focuses on curated content and recommendations based on user preferences, tags, and interests. It aims to surface high-quality articles and promote discovery through its algorithm. Wattpad, on the other hand, provides a more community-driven platform, where writers can interact with readers and gain visibility through comments, votes, and rankings within specific genres or categories.

Ultimately, the choice between Medium and Wattpad depends on your writing goals, the type of content you wish to share, and the audience you want to reach. Consider the nature of your writing, your target readership, and whether you want to focus on long-form articles or creative fiction when deciding which platform aligns best with your needs.

Choosing the Write Path: Medium or Wattpad for Aspiring Writers?

For new writers, both Medium and Wattpad offer unique advantages. Consider the following factors when deciding which platform might suit you better:

1. Writing Goals: Consider the type of content you want to write and the genre you’re interested in. If you are focused on non-fiction writing, such as informative articles, personal essays, or industry insights, Medium may be a better fit. If you’re passionate about creative writing, fiction, or fanfiction, Wattpad provides a community specifically tailored to those genres.

2. Audience and Feedback: Think about the audience you want to reach. Medium has a diverse readership that is often interested in informative and thought-provoking content. On Wattpad, you’ll find a community of readers who are enthusiastic about creative writing and storytelling. Both platforms offer opportunities for feedback and engagement from readers, but the nature of the feedback may vary based on the platform’s focus.

3. Discoverability and Exposure: Consider how you want your work to be discovered. Medium uses algorithms and curation to promote content, which can help in gaining exposure to a broader audience. Wattpad, on the other hand, relies on community engagement and interaction, allowing you to connect with readers who share your interest in specific genres.

4. Monetization: If earning money from your writing is a priority, both platforms offer monetization programs. Medium’s Partner Program allows writers to earn through subscriptions, while Wattpad has its Paid Stories program. Research the specifics of these programs to determine which one aligns better with your goals.

Ultimately, the choice between Medium and Wattpad depends on your preferred writing style, target audience, and desired writing journey. You can also explore both platforms simultaneously to gauge which one resonates more with your writing and helps you connect with readers who appreciate your work.

Audience Reach: Comparing the Reader Base of Medium and Wattpad

Medium generally has a wider and more diverse audience compared to Wattpad. Medium attracts readers who are interested in a broad range of topics, including technology, self-improvement, politics, lifestyle, and more. The platform is known for its curated and high-quality content, which appeals to a wide demographic of readers seeking informative and thought-provoking articles.

Wattpad, on the other hand, has a more specific focus on creative writing and storytelling. It caters to a community of readers who enjoy genres like fiction, romance, fantasy, fanfiction, and poetry. While Wattpad has a large and dedicated user base within its niche, the overall audience size may be smaller compared to the diverse range of readers on Medium.

If your writing covers topics beyond creative writing or storytelling, Medium may offer a larger and more varied audience base. However, if your writing is primarily focused on creative fiction or if you have a particular interest in engaging with readers who share those interests, Wattpad’s targeted community can be highly valuable.

Consider your writing goals, the specific topics or genres you want to explore, and the audience you want to reach when deciding which platform aligns best with your aspirations. Both Medium and Wattpad have their unique strengths, so it’s important to choose the platform that best suits your content and objectives.

Social Engagement and Mobile Reading: A Faceoff between Medium and Wattpad

Wattpad places a strong emphasis on social interaction and mobile reading, providing features specifically designed to enhance these aspects of the platform. Here’s an elaboration on why Wattpad excels in these areas:

1. Social Interaction: Wattpad offers a vibrant and interactive community where readers and writers can engage with each other. It provides features like comments, votes, and private messaging, allowing users to connect, share feedback, and form relationships with fellow readers and writers. Wattpad also encourages user participation through writing contests, collaboration opportunities, and fanfiction communities, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among its users.

2. Mobile Reading: Wattpad recognizes the growing popularity of mobile devices for reading and has optimized its platform for mobile use. The Wattpad app is well-designed, providing a seamless and immersive reading experience on smartphones and tablets. Its user-friendly interface, customizable reading settings, and offline reading options make it convenient for readers to access and enjoy stories on the go.

Additionally, Wattpad’s mobile-first approach includes features like push notifications for updates, the ability to read stories in bite-sized chapters, and integration with social media platforms for easy sharing. These elements cater to the preferences of readers who enjoy consuming content on their mobile devices.

While Medium also offers some social features such as highlighting, bookmarking, and recommending articles, its primary focus is on long-form written content rather than fostering social interaction or optimizing specifically for mobile reading.

In summary, Wattpad’s stronger emphasis on social interaction and mobile reading is evident through its community-driven approach, interactive features, and mobile-friendly design, making it a popular choice for those seeking a social and mobile reading experience.

A Tale of Two Platforms: Contrasting Content Curation and Discoverability on Medium vs. Wattpad

When it comes to content curation and discoverability, Medium and Wattpad have distinct approaches. Here’s an exploration of the differences between the two platforms:

1. Medium:
— Content Curation: Medium employs a hybrid curation system that combines algorithms and human curation. The platform uses algorithms to recommend articles based on user preferences, reading history, and engagement metrics. Additionally, Medium’s in-house curators actively select and feature articles in various topic-specific publications called “Medium Publications.”
— Discoverability: Medium focuses on personalized recommendations to surface content to users. It prioritizes content based on individual preferences, making it easier for readers to discover articles aligned with their interests. Medium also allows writers to add relevant tags and categorize their articles, improving discoverability within specific niches.

2. Wattpad:
— Content Curation: Wattpad has a community-driven approach to content curation. Users on Wattpad have the ability to curate and recommend stories through reading lists and votes. The most popular and engaging stories, as determined by user interactions such as votes, comments, and shares, tend to rise in visibility and gain exposure to a broader audience.
— Discoverability: Wattpad emphasizes discoverability through categories, tags, and rankings. Writers can categorize their stories into specific genres, making it easier for readers to find content within their preferred genres. Additionally, Wattpad features various rankings, such as “Hot,” “Trending,” and “Undiscovered,” which highlight stories with high engagement or potential but may not have gained widespread recognition yet.

Overall, Medium relies on a combination of algorithms and human curation to curate and recommend content, focusing on personalized recommendations. In contrast, Wattpad leverages a community-driven approach, allowing users to curate and recommend stories, and emphasizes discoverability through genre categorization and engagement-based rankings.

Understanding these differences can help writers and readers gauge the content curation and discoverability aspects of each platform and determine which aligns better with their goals and preferences.

From Words to Wealth: Discovering Monetization Options for Writers on Medium and Wattpad

Monetization options available for writers on Medium and Wattpad:

1. Medium:
— Medium Partner Program: Medium offers a monetization program called the Medium Partner Program. Writers can opt to participate in this program by joining the Medium Partner Program and becoming a member. As a member, writers have the opportunity to earn money through the Medium Partner Program’s revenue-sharing model. Medium distributes a portion of the subscription revenue to participating writers based on the engagement and reading time their stories generate.
— Curated Publications: Medium also collaborates with established publications and offers opportunities for writers to contribute to these curated publications. Some of these publications may offer payment to writers for their published work.

2. Wattpad:
— Paid Stories: Wattpad has introduced a feature called Paid Stories, which allows writers to earn money from their stories. Writers can choose to participate in the program and offer certain chapters or full stories as paid content. Readers can access these stories by purchasing coins, and writers receive a portion of the revenue generated from the purchases.
— Wattpad Brand Partnerships: Wattpad occasionally partners with brands or publishers for sponsored campaigns. Writers may have the opportunity to participate in these partnerships and receive compensation for creating content aligned with the campaign.

It’s important to note that the monetization options on both platforms may be subject to certain criteria, guidelines, and eligibility requirements. The availability of these options may also vary based on factors such as geographical location and the writer’s standing within the platform’s community.

Overall, both Medium and Wattpad provide avenues for writers to potentially monetize their work, whether through revenue-sharing programs like the Medium Partner Program or features like Paid Stories on Wattpad. These options allow writers to explore the possibility of earning income from their writing, but it’s essential to familiarize oneself with the specific terms, conditions, and guidelines associated with each platform’s monetization features.

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