Chuck Palahniuk

3 min readAug 1, 2022


Writings of Chuck Palahniuk

Who is Chuck Palahniuk?

Chuck palahniuk was born in Pasco, Washington 1962, where he grew up seperated from his divorced parents on a ranch with his grandparents. Where he lived with his sibling. During his educational years in university he began his journalist/writing career working in small companys and his local newspaper during the 80s. Unfortunately, Chuck left the role of journalism and began working as a mechanic and he worked on his writing career as a side gig.

After years of effort, putting into writing and putting them in compilations, newspapers, and trying to find a publisher for his short stories he had trouble trying to establish himself as a real novelist. So, during those years he started to go to writing workshops, taking inspirations from the things he read there and implemented tips into his writing style and tryed to perfect it. He had such a hard time finding publishers because his writing topics were sometimes too disturbing and nonsensical to the publisher that they wouldnt take it even as a short story.

But then, he had a big break. A short story he wrote and put into a compilation was soon to catch the eyes of millions and was to name himself as one of the most well-known pieces of literature in history

His Writings, What they stand for.

Fight club was the first novel to get published, after it being in a complitation it got the attention and was published as a short story. Arguably, his most famous novel and influential to date. Tells the story of a blue-collar stuck in the loop of consumerism and during this loop and spiral into his self-destructive pastimes he meets a man named “Tyler durden” and from then on his life changes drastically. Another novel written by Chuck that goes by the name “Haunted” about a group of writers hit with writers block on a retreat on an island for 3 months living in this mansion owned by a mysterious rich man. During there stay there hunger and desire for fame and attention becomes too much to where they decide group-wise to create their story through reality in hope of becoming a star, this in connection to their writers block tends to take a turn on them equally when they find out why they are really there for. These stories have a sense of indivisuality and always take the forfront of the story, its the main characters journey and sudden change in the story, always starting as a person who knows nothing to a person that knows all. Change, thats what Chuck wants us to see “I like my books to have a wedding at the end, not death” Not in the literal sense but the wedding as a synonom for “A new chapter” or a new beggining in someone life, a carthartic moment triggered by a disturbed event. Haunted and Fight club are just 2 examples but almost all of his novels end in cartharsis. He wants you, the reader, to find something new to hypnotise.

