Send messages from Node app to Symfony using RabbitMQ

Iyadh Faleh
2 min readAug 29, 2021


Many applications needs to migrate from monothic to microservices architecture to stand for scalability .

I decided to expriment the symfony/messenger component to handle messenges sent from the Node App to Symfony using RabbitMQ.

1- I used RabbitMQ docker image :

This image contains enabled plugins such as rabbitmqAdmin .

2- I created a small node app to publish messages :

3- On the Symfony app side :

We need to install the messenger component and the amqp-messenger bridge :

4- Serialize the messages received by the Symfony worker :

At the first attemp , I had problems to serialize messages using the symfony serializer because eventually the node app don’t know the type of object (FQNC).

So I decided to implement a custom serializer and add it to the transport config :

5- Finally I created the message handler :

That’s all for my first medium article .
I hope that it will be published on the symfony website :D

