Ingrid Barrios
9 min readMay 6, 2020


Different Types of Pitbull
Photo by Timothy Perry on Unsplash

In this article, we talk about the different types of pitbull. We must point out that, when talking about pitbull, most of the time, there is no reference to a single breed, but to a group of breeds that share a series of common characteristics, among which are the English bull and terrier with other crosses, as ancestry.

In fact, the APBT (American Pit Bull Terrier) is considered the real pit bull. The ADBA, association in charge of registering the Pit Bull in the United States, gives it very specific characteristics, among which there is a weight of between 20 and 40 kg and solid colors, brindle or mottled.

Others claim that the Pit Bull is not a breed, but a family of dogs, which has been empowered to develop certain useful characteristics, rather than to meet certain physical canons.

Apart from these considerations, we will mention all those races that tend to be popularly included as pit bulls.

Different Pitbull Breeds

American Pitbull Terrier

It is the breed considered as an authentic pit bull. Descend from the English bulldog and terrier. He develops in the US to be a cattle herder. Their weight ranges are between 15 and 28 kg. They can have brindle and smooth colors, ranging from light brown to dark gray. The Blue variant has blue eyes and light gray hair color.

American Pitbull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier became sadly famous as a fighting dog, which unfairly tarnished his good reputation as a child caretaker and family guardian.

They are intelligent, vitalist, and playful dogs, which people like. However, we cannot forget that they must be socialized as puppies, since we are talking about a breed, whose bite, apart from urban myths, can cause very serious damage. In general, the American Pitbull Terrier is a friendly and balanced dog that, contrary to what some may think, does not stand out for being aggressive.

Blue Nose Pitbull or Pitbull Blue

The Pitbull Blue is a type of American Pitbull Terrier (known under the acronym APBT). They are characterized mainly by their metallic gray color and their bluish-gray snout, from which they receive their name. In general, it is a breed occasionally confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier, with which they share origins.

Blue Nose Pitbull

This date back to the 19th century in the United Kingdom, where they begin to experiment at the crossroads between Terriers and Bulldogs — taking into account that the Bulldog at that time had little to do with the current English Bulldog, possessing a physiognomy very similar to the Pitbulls that we know in these times, although they were much bigger and fierce.

In this way, they were looking for a breed that combined the bravery of the Terrier, thus achieving greater agility without losing combativeness, and the strength of the Bulldogs destined for bull and dog fights. They chased a rather strong dog with hunting skills, but only got a good fighter.


The origin of the name comes from the fights, called “bull-baitings” for the fights against the bulls. After the ban in 1835 in England of these fights, they were put in a pit to fight rats. The one who killed more rats in less time was the winner. So they took the word “pit” and unified it to form the word “Pit Bull.”

In the case of the Pitbull Blue, it was forged from the aforementioned crossing and imported from the United Kingdom to subsequently be crossed with the race — already extinct — of Blue Paul Terrier, discovered by the pirate Paul Jones and where his pigmentation comes from grayish

The pit bull was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), being subsequently removed from his records due to the bad press that brought a fighting race.

Pitbull Red Nose

They are originally from Ireland and their main characteristic is brown fur and together with its reddish snout and honey yellow eyes. They have strong but thin anatomy, with more elongated legs than other types of pitbull dog breeds. They are also considered a variety of the American pit bull terrier (APBT).

Pitbull Red Nose

Weight: it can vary between 25kg and 30kg.
The best: They are very friendly dogs.

American Staffordshire Terrier

They are also known as Amstaff, they derive directly from the pit bull terrier; although stronger, muscular, and agile.

American Staffordshire Terrier Pitbull

They have a medium size (45 to 55 cm. Cross and 25 to 40 kg. Weight). They can be a single color or patched, with dark brown, brown-gray, black, or brindle being abundant.

They retain the characteristics of sociability and vitality of the pit bull terrier, as well as their passion for play and physical exercise. They are calm dogs, although they can be a little impulsive to certain stimuli that arouse your interest or attention. They are also dogs in need of love, care, and pampering.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staffordshire is a pitbull smaller than the original APBT, since its weight ranges between 11 and 17 kilos, although it is a very compact, agile and muscular dog. They have a slightly wider head than the rest of the pit bull.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pitbull

They retain the territorial characteristics of the bull terrier, but also those of sociability and lover of children. Very dependent on their owner, eager to play and please him.


This is a pit bull line that was created for the sadly famous dog fights. They have large jaws and thin snout, giving the impression of being smiling when they gasp.

Stuffawler Pitbull

Medium in size, pulling large, their weight ranges between 25 and 40 kilos. There is a current of opinion that alludes to the aggressiveness of this type of pitbull, however, although it is not proven that this is so.

We are inclined to think that this happens when the owner is really the aggressive one. Dogs are very mimetic and gregarious, so they tend to get the behavior of their masters.


Colby breeding begins in 1889, looking for a line of fights. Despite this unfortunate origin, they have a calm and balanced temperament, like the rest of the pit bulls, they are very protective of children. They are sturdy dogs, medium-size, and rather light. Their heads are wide, with flat snout and wrinkles.

Colby Pitbull

Bull terrier

Although it shares ancestry with the American pit bull terrier, this is not a proper variant, and owners and breeders may be offended to be considered a pit bull.

The Bull Terrier is really the result of the crossing of the English Bull and Terrier with the Burgos Retriever, also called Spanish Pointer, in the mid-19th century in England. He is the one that differs most from the rest by its unusual shape: Eyes in the shape of a triangle and tubular snout.

Bull terrier Pitbull

Medium size (20 to 35 cm across and 25 to 35 kg. Weight). They are stubborn dogs, but friendly, in need of the attention of its owner. They are territorial, combative, and courageous.

Monster blue

It comes from the cross between Dogue de Bordeaux and Neapolitan Mastiff.

Their size is large, with a weight that ranges between 45 and 60 kg. and they have a light gray and white color.

Monster blue Pitbull


They are also called the Mexican pit bulls. In fact, “chamuco” is a name that designates a kind of devil, both in Mexico and in Central America. The Chamucos is the smallest pit bull of all; although they were designed as fighting dogs, very strong and muscular.

Chamucos Pitbull

Unfortunately, they continue to be raised clandestinely to be used in dogfights. Even so, they are friendly and less territorial dogs than other pit bulls.

Despite their size, medium to small, they are one of the strongest types of pit bulls that exist. It is usually dark brown or black and, in some cases, brindle.


This type of pit bull is of American origin and is supposed to carry the Dalmatian in their genes, as their fur is very similar. Their musculature is not very developed and they have a friendly and calm temperament, which makes them excellent companion dogs.

Spike Pitbull

Irish Red nose old family

They are the same as the Red Noses in characteristics and origin, but they have longer hair than the Red Noses.

Irish Red nose old family Pitbull

Tex Mex

This line originates in Texas. It is a medium-sized dog, with a structure very similar to the Red Nose pit bull types, only with black and white fur, mottled white or white and coffee with milk.

Tex Mex Pitbull


It is a type of pit bull very similar to Red Nose in structure. The eyes can be black or blue. Their fur is white and without spots.

Cobra Pitbull


This line is developed in Spain starting from the Red Nose. They have an excellent structure and different types of pitbull, Villaliberty is one of the most balanced and self-confident, which makes them excellent companion dogs.

Villaliberty Pitbull


Pynat is a type of strong but thin pit bull that can reach a weight of 30 kg. With tabby fur and soft snout, it is often used as a hunting dog.

Pynat Pitbull


Unfortunately, Pitbull Gamer is also raised and developed as a fighting dog. They are thin and muscular. Their weight is between 25 and 30 kg. Hopefully, someday, these types of shows will be totally eradicated.

Gamer Pitbull

Unfortunately, many young people, lacking in culture, maturity and values, are still interested in these types of activities and are only interested in these types of dogs because they feel powerful, competing to see who is the strongest and most harmful.


Of the different types of pit bulls, this line is the one that most resembles the Bulldog. Their weight is around 40 kg. Their color is white or mottled white. They are stocky dogs, something slow and quite docile.

Johnsons Pitbull

General considerations about the Pitbull

After examining all types of pit bulls that exist, characteristics and behavior, we could extract the following assessments:

All types of pitbull are vital, lovers of the tranquility of the home, but also of exercise and play. They are somewhat territorial in general, attached to their environment and family, very protective of children and, in most cases, friendly to everyone.

If we want to adopt a pit bull, as a protection dog, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as we are stable, mature and responsible people, who know how to keep the animal under control and correctly socialized. We must think that a pit bull is not an object or a weapon, but a living being that needs education, care and affection above anything else.

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