Sudhir Iyer
Jan 31, 2023


I have toggled between two states.

One - where I hate reading. Just like you do. In that state, I want to get straight to the crux, the core essence of what it’s all about.

Another where I really dwell on the descriptive matter and find beauty in it. I like the way descriptive text makes my mind conjure up a picture from words.

But then maybe due to my being in IT as well, I battle being in that second state for long. I snap myself back into - telegraphic, insta messaging world.

I don’t prefer one over the other. But if I were not in IT, I’d have preferred the “wordy” world.

PS - Hope you didn’t hate reading this 😄.



Sudhir Iyer

Like still waters, calm but deep. I have lots to say and even lots more to write about. I love olden times as if I once lived there.