【Health and Wellness】Skipping breakfast leads to 7 diseases; be careful if you don’t eat breakfast!

4 min readOct 23, 2023


“As the saying goes, a good start in the morning sets the tone for the day.” Breakfast is very important for us.

A nutritious breakfast not only affects your health but also your weight!

What’s even scarier is that not eating breakfast can lead to gaining 22 pounds in a year!

If you consistently skip breakfast or just have a half-hearted meal, your body will gradually deteriorate.

Frequent skipping of breakfast can lead to these 7 diseases!


Try to avoid eating greasy foods for breakfast, and don’t skip breakfast just because you’re rushing to work or want to sleep in.

From the evening until the next morning, the gallbladder rests for 8–10 hours and has stored a certain amount of bile.

If you eat breakfast normally, it can stimulate the intestinal mucosa, causing the duodenum to secrete cholecystokinin, which makes the gallbladder contract and allows bile to be promptly discharged into the intestines, aiding digestion.

If you skip breakfast, bile cannot be discharged into the intestines in a timely manner, which can lead to stagnation or increased concentration, making it easier to develop gallstones.

High cholesterol

People who frequently skip breakfast have cholesterol levels 33% higher than those who eat breakfast regularly.

Moreover, if you consistently skip breakfast, stomach acid and various digestive enzymes will digest the gastric mucosal layer since there is no food to digest, which can lead to gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers in the long run.


Having regular and timely meals allows the body to eliminate waste properly. However, if you don’t eat breakfast and don’t have this habit, constipation is more likely to occur.

Those who suffer from constipation may want to think about whether they often skip breakfast!

Irregular menstruation and weight gain

Many women who are trying to lose weight may skip breakfast as a way to restrict calorie intake.

However, doing so not only fails to reduce weight but also poses risks to reproductive health.

People who skip breakfast are more likely to consume high-calorie foods such as snacks and beverages, inadvertently increasing calorie intake.

Even worse, not eating breakfast can disrupt ovarian function, leading to irregular menstruation or even amenorrhea!

So, if you want to lose weight, it’s especially important to have a good breakfast!

Becoming ugly and aging

Skipping breakfast is just as detrimental to a woman’s appearance as smoking, excessive drinking, staying up late, and other bad habits.

If you frequently skip breakfast, your body can only rely on stored glycogen and protein, which can lead to dry, wrinkled, and spotted skin, making you look older and less attractive.

Increased risk of heart disease

Skipping breakfast puts additional stress and strain on the body.

For men who don’t eat breakfast, the likelihood of heart disease or other cardiovascular diseases significantly increases.

Consistently skipping breakfast can also lead to the deposition of low-density lipoprotein in the blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis.

Moreover, not eating breakfast can also lead to obesity and diabetes.

Impaired brain function and intelligence

After a night of digestion, the food in the stomach has been depleted, and the blood sugar index is usually low in the morning.

If you don’t replenish blood sugar by eating breakfast, your body will use stored muscle glycogen and liver glycogen, which can strain the muscles and liver, resulting in weakness in the limbs.

The more normal the level of sugar in the body in the morning, the stronger the brain’s ability to function.

When blood sugar is insufficient, it can cause weakness in the limbs, dizziness, and other symptoms due to reduced brain cell activity, severely damaging the brain and heart.

What constitutes a nutritious breakfast?

Breakfast should provide the body with a rich variety of nutrients. It is best to have a diverse selection of foods.

Breakfast is ideally scheduled between 6:30–8:30 AM, and it should be consumed within 15–20 minutes to establish a healthy and regular routine.

A nutritious breakfast should include:

Grains; animal-based foods (including eggs); milk and dairy products; fruits and vegetables.

Recommended nutritional rankings:

Bread: Whole wheat bread > French bread > White bread > Bread with fillings

Eggs: Boiled eggs > Scrambled eggs > Soft-boiled eggs > Hard-boiled eggs > Milk mixed with eggs

Fruit juice: Fresh fruits > Freshly squeezed juice > High-nutrient fruit juice > Regular fruit juice beverages

The energy provided by breakfast should account for 25% to 30% of the total energy intake for the day.

Therefore, not only should breakfast be eaten well, but it should also be eaten adequately.




I have 5 years of online writing experience, and have written the children's science fiction novel "Yu Ji Fairy Tale" https://tinyurl.com/3hrksjse