The “LinkedIn” for students and academics?

4 min readApr 12, 2018


Intoolab is a matchmaking tool (former “iYouth Lab”) that connects students, academics, researchers, alumni, universities, colleges and R&Ds globally through project collaborations, by using tools like Live Data Binding & AI technology that will allow the whole academic and scientific ecosystem to work side by side in a community focused on projects.

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Intoolab is a platform in which University students can find each other based on their academic-scientific interest. It is a platform in which users can showcase their projects and build their own academic CV and university students, professors, researchers, alumni, universities and R&D’s can collaborate through online tools in projects. Intoolab is the LinkedIn of Science and Education. And on top of that, we are building the first Artificial Intelligence tool (called “Tzager”), that learns all the scientific fields in collaboration with global University teams that is slowly being integrated in Intoolab.

Tzager is being designed to understand the different scientific areas and the potential collaboration among them. Tzager will allow students to think differently and expand their possible areas of interest, by suggesting new potential project titles, collaborations R&Ds and more. The goal of Tzager as an education AI is to analyse, predict, suggest and tailor-made the capabilities and possible actions of a user in the educational ecosystem.

What is the primary use case you’re solving for?For Students and Alumni: Let’s say that there is a US student who is working on a software algorithm for a robotic arm, and a Japanese student who is working on the hardware of a robotic arm. Right now there is no platform that they can showcase their project and find each other in order to collaborate. For Researchers and Professors: Professors and researchers will be able to use the Intoolab tools like “Tzager” (our AI algorithm that is being trained to understand the different scientific fields) in collaboration with university students globally through an online community. For Universities & R&D’s: Thousands of Universities, Colleges and Research Centers are working on their own projects with their students and there is no platform that they can share these developments with the scientific world in order for them to cut through the noise.

Student innovators, are the essence of our existence.

What is your solution?Intoolab is a consumer internet platform that aims to connect university students, alumni, professors, researchers, universities, colleges and R&D’s in an online community with an academic and scientific context. The platform has three phases: Phase 1 is to help users showcase their academic/scientific work and find other users with similar interests, phase 2 is to build integrated tools (like “Tzager”) that will help users to collaborate with each other more efficiently and phase 3 (plan for the next 5 years) is to allow users to run their projects through Intoolab.

How does it work?Users register by choosing one of the 4 different account types: Student, Professor, Researcher, Alumnus. Then the users complete their Academic CV with their academic information. Next, users create their own project pages in which they add their collaborators, what skills they used, an abstract of the project etc. Next, users can find what other users are in the platform and connect with each other. There is a constant feed on the left side where users can post their news or other academic/scientific updates. In addition users can create groups of online R&DS, in order to showcase their research teams and their projects.

Our Academic Ambassadors are a key element of our service,

Who wants your product or service?University students & Alumnus who want to: a) Build their academic CV in a relevant global community. b) Find other students to collaborate. c) Find Professors/Researchers to help them. d) Find the right connections in order to help/guide them get in a University. e) Find supervisors for their projects. f) Be part of a global community talking science. Professors & Researchers who want to: a) Use our artificial intelligence tool inside a global academic/scientific platform. b) Showcase their grey literature (unpublished work). c) Find student teams to run their projects. d) Make a call for collaboration on specific skills. e) Be part of a global community talking science. Universities & Colleges who want to: a) Showcase the projects of their students. b) Promote their programs to other students globally. c) Promote their brand and their science expertise in a relevant global community. d) Provide tools like “Tzager” to their students in order to make their work more efficient.

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A matchmaking tool based on academic interest connecting University Students, Professors, Alumni, Researchers, R&Ds and Universities in project collaborations.