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Entering Awards in the COVID-19 Era

Never miss a business opportunity

Izabella Kobylanski
4 min readJul 9, 2020


For many, our current focus is making it through the short to medium term. The emphasis is on keeping our jobs, ensuring that the business will survive and adapting to the various challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown our way. It is not surprising that entering awards may not even be on the radar. In people’s minds entering awards may appear as a luxury of time and energy that is currently a rare commodity.

Having spent time on both sides of the awards process, I thought it would be useful to take a moment to explore the potential benefits of entering an award during this time.

The most common objection that seems to be raised is “What’s the point? We might not even be here if we win!” That is quite possible, yet maybe that is the very reason it should be considered. The kudos from an award may be exactly what is required to keep the business alive. More importantly the process of putting together an awards submission may just be the thing to revitalise the business and give staff a new perspective. It may even be an opportunity to engage stakeholders and clients.

There are a number of important elements in preparing an awards submission that are useful to focus on during this phase.
• Teamwork
• Review
• Analysis
• Presentation



Izabella Kobylanski

As principal at Planning Results, my passion is the art of communication. I love words and their impact whether in selling a concept or changing the world.