Deconomy conference in details

IZX Project
2 min readApr 5, 2018


In addition to the wide response of the Korean crypto-community from the first IZX business trip to Korea, the reason for the soon return of our team to this country again was the large-scale Deconomy conference in Seoul.

The conference was organized at the highest level: a comfortable place of helding — the Walkerhill hotel, which gathered about 2 thousand participants; world famous speakers; stylish and beautiful booths of various projects. There were booths of about 15 projects of different focus — advertising platforms for ICO, social networks based on the blockchain, content protection systems. Our gaming platform has gathered a lot of interested persons around us, as the game industry remains on the leading positions in the interests of modern society.

Among the known personalities, the members of the IZX team managed to interact with Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum creator, Roger Ver, a well-known businessman in the crypto-community and also we managed to communicate with CEO and founder of AirAsia — Tony Fernandes.

At the end of the event people most interested in IZX project were invited by team to have a dinner together with our partners from US VR Global.

From US VR Global there were Ramelle Ashram Ramli, Executive Chairman, Daniel RA Wha Hyun, Chief Operating Officer, Jaime Terauds, Director — Business Development. The IZX team was presented by Alexey Zagainov, the president and co-founder of IZX project, our asian adviser Abas A Jalil and Nikita Kuptsov, Communications Director. David Hwang, our new Korean adviser, also supported us. At the dinner we showed a joint presentation with US VR Global.

Now we are going to Kuala Lumpur to hold a series of important meetings. Follow our news! And thank you for being with us!



IZX Project

Blog about blockchain plarform with elements of augmented and virtual reality ~