IZX-Drive as a tool for conducting airdrops in augmented reality game

IZX Project
2 min readSep 14, 2018


IZX is not just a game in augmented reality. Our company collaborates with advertisers, developers and ICO projects.

In this article you will know what is airdrop and how ICO projects can use it.

Airdrop is a way to get crypto tokens for free. Then you can exchange them for cryptocurrency. Who needs it and why? ICOs are interested in increasing their audience, while players want to learn more about new projects and get their tokens. Usually, airdrops are based on making simple tasks like registering or joining social networks of the project. We decided to try a new revolutionary way of conducting airdrops.

Our product IZX-Drive is aimed at ICO projects and based on gamification: user goes on the streets and starts a real hunt. Map on his screen helps him to track the token’s location and then, with the help of red aim on the screen, catch it. Sounds much more interesting, right?

We allocate tokens of different ICO-projects in augmented reality, it allows each user of our application get them in any place in the world.

When the player catches a token, he sees a brief information about the ICO, the cost of the project’s tokens and the terms of their exchange for the crypto currency. How ICO projects can use the IZX-Drive service and conduct Airdrop on the IZX ICO platform? They just need to decide how many tokens they need to distribute, choose the place of their distribution and the ways of exchange for crypto currency. IZX team will do the rest: we will create a unique logo for the token; post information about the upcoming airdrop on our social networks and distribute the tokens where needed!

In just one year, the number of users of the IZX application exceeded 70 thousand. We’ve already conducted 12 test advertising campaigns and continue to work on improving the service for both: players and customers. The detailed description of the IZX-Drive service on our website izx.io.

Stay tuned and collect tokens in augmented reality!



IZX Project

Blog about blockchain plarform with elements of augmented and virtual reality ~ https://izx.io/