IZX tests on Multi Sport Expo

IZX Project
3 min readSep 28, 2018


On September 22–23 the IZX team took part in Multi Sport EXPO. Visitors could watch various sport performances such as climbing, racing, professional dancing and so on, and even take part in some of them.

The MSE was a perfect opportunity to test the IZX platform features for offline businesses. As far as you know we constantly make experiments and tests to determine how our ideas work in practice, as there are no examples of how does the advertising work in the augmented reality.

As we are the pioneers in this sphere, we need to analyze our performance all the time, and in the following article we present a report of how we took part in the MSE.

Besides various sport contests, games and performances MSE was also a platform for more over 20 businesses, 17 of which became our partners by placing their own company tokens in our game.

Among our partners there were major sport equipment stores, gyms, football and dance schools, the Federations of sport aerobics and breaking, various cafes offering free ice-cream and beverage in exchange of a game token.

We placed 1700 special MSE AR tokens on the event grounds. The point is that all the tokens look the same, but they contain different prizes, so you don’t know what you’ll get until you catch one. During the two days of the event our players collected around 750 MSE tokens, 263 of which were bartered for gifts from our partners.

The BICYCLE was the most desirable prize to win. We placed a corresponding token in game 45 prior to the end of the contest. Soon enough this token was found by one of our new players.

Besides testing advertising features of the platform the event let the IZX team communicate with players in person and find out our advantages and drawbacks. All suggestions will be taken into consideration to make our platform event better.

As to the MSE event itself, we need to say that it was quite well-organized.The visitors could take part in number of activities and sports and to take a photo with various mascots.

The event was interesting and we had a great experience. Stay tuned and visit amazing events with IZX!



IZX Project

Blog about blockchain plarform with elements of augmented and virtual reality ~ https://izx.io/