Let’s repeat our Asian business-trip again!

IZX Project
2 min readMar 30, 2018


We are happy to share the last news of our project IZX with you!

IZX repeats the route of its roadshow from beginning of March — we are going to Seoul and Kuala Lumpur again!

In Seoul we take part in the large-scale Deconomy Conference, which will be held on April 3–4. The main attraction of the program will be the participation of the creator of Ethereum — Vitalik Buterin — the reason why the tickets for this conference were sold out with unrealistic speed but we managed to get some for the members of our team.

In addition, we have scheduled private meetings with potential investors interested in IZX project, with whom we met during our first trip. We are also invited to a number of meet-ups, which will be held before the conference and during it in the evenings.

In Kuala Lumpur we will conduct a presentation for the narrow circle of the Malaysian crypto-community, which was kindly organized by our adviser Abas Jalil, and also we will meet with our partners from US VR Global to discuss further plans.

Follow our social networks and check the updated design of our site izx.io.

Thank you for your support and faith in the project, we will be happy to receive any feedback and are waiting for you in our official chat in Telegram!



IZX Project

Blog about blockchain plarform with elements of augmented and virtual reality ~ https://izx.io/