Sizing Chart on Kotlin

Izhar DH
3 min readJul 25, 2023


In this article, I will share my journey in implementing a live data chart using Kotlin programming language. Initially, I used the jjoe64 library, but due to some performance issues, my application experienced a slight lag.

But it’s not to blame the library, perhaps I lacked in optimizing the memory settings used by the application, causing the library to not function properly. Here, I have provided the GitHub link if you want to try the library.

So, I decided to use another library, namely MPAndroidChart.

However, in this article, I will not discuss the tutorial for using MPAndroidChart. Instead, I will focus on how to customize the colors of the charts inside it and ensure it is compatible with all screen sizes of mobile devices.

To calculate the size of the chart in MPAndroidChart, I use chart.viewTreeObserver, which monitors the view hierarchy for changes

Then, I also use the OnGlobalLayoutListener parameter, which is used to be triggered when the global layout of the view changes. Here my code :

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

// Get the chart view from the layout
val chart = findViewById<LineChart>(

// Create some data to display
val entries =arrayListOf(
Entry(0f, 20f),
Entry(1f, 30f),
Entry(2f, 25f),
Entry(3f, 40f),
Entry(4f, 35f),
Entry(5f, 50f),
Entry(6f, 45f)

// Create a dataset from the data
val dataSet = LineDataSet(entries, "Label")
dataSet.color= Color.BLUE
dataSet.valueTextColor= Color.RED

// Add the dataset to the chart
val dataSets = ArrayList<ILineDataSet>()
val data = LineData(dataSets) data

// Configure the chart

// Configure the x-axis
val xAxis = chart.xAxis
xAxis.position= XAxis.XAxisPosition.BOTTOM
xAxis.textSize= 12f
xAxis.textColor= Color.RED

val padding = chart.paddingLeft+ chart.paddingRight

val rangeHorizontal = xAxis.mAxisRange

// Configure the y-axis
val yAxisLeft = chart.axisLeft
yAxisLeft.textSize= 12f
yAxisLeft.textColor= Color.RED

val rangeVertical = yAxisLeft.mAxisRange

val yAxisRight = chart.axisRight
yAxisRight.isEnabled= false

val gridSizeInPx = (rangeVertical *resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()
val gridSizeInPx2 = (rangeHorizontal *resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt()

// Invalidate the chart to redraw it with the new data

val dpValue = 16 // dimension value in dp
val pxValue = TypedValue.applyDimension(

chart.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
override fun onGlobalLayout() {
// remove the listener to avoid multiple calls

// get the size of the chart
val width = chart.width- padding
val height = chart.height- padding

val button: Button = findViewById(
// show the size of the chart in a toast message
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Chart size: $width x $height", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

and here my screenshoot after debug

Maybe that’s all for this article. For the next article, I will discuss how to color inside the chart. Thank you :) feel free to ask if you have any questions.

