Azotobacter and Azospirillum

Izhar Khalil
2 min readMay 30, 2019


As Biofertilizers in Aquaculture


It is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria, lives freely in the soil and multiples by making use of the organic matter, as the source of carbon (energy) for its growth and existence. Through the process of biological nitrogen fixation, it fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants in an easily assimilable and utilizable form.


It is an associative type of microorganism capable of colonizing the root surface of the plants. By establishing a symbiotic association, it helps the plants in getting the nutrient 'N' (Nitrogen) from the atmosphere. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen through the process of Biological Nitrogen Fixation and makes it available to the plants in an easily assimilable and utilizable form.

Method of Application

  • Seed Treatment (10 ml 1 kg of Seeds): Seed required for 1 hectare is to be treated with Symbion-N by adopting either seed dipping or seed coating methods.
  • Use of the respective inoculum properly and instant sowing of the inoculated seeds with minimal waiting period between treatment and sowing are necessary for greater effectiveness.

Treatment in Mechanical Seed Treater:

Symbion-N at the recommended rates/dosage is to be mixed with sufficient quantity of sticking agent / water to form a slurry. Seeds are treated with the slurry of the culture in a seed treater in a manner so that all the seeds are coated with culture slurry properly. The seeds are then shade dried and sown with minimal waiting period.

Seedling Treatment (100 ml in 10 Litres of water):

Symbion-N is mixed with sufficient quantity of water and organic fertilizer or field soil to form a slurry and the seedling roots are immersed in this slurry for about 30 minutes before planting so that the roots are well drenched with the slurry. The bacteriae get attached to the roots. In case, farm yard manure and enough soil are not available, mixing Symbion-N with sufficient amount of water and then dipping the roots of the seedlings can also be done.

Sugarcane Sett Treatment (100 ml in 10 Litres of water):

Acetobactor which is specially suitable for sugarcane, is used in sugarcane sett treatment. Symbion-N (Acetobactor) is mixed with sufficient quantity of water and organic fertilizer or field soil, if available and used for sett treatment. Sugarcane setts are soaked in the mix of Symbion-N + water + organic fertilizer or field soil for about an hour and planted in the fields.

