8 Memes To Relate To — ‘Ber’ Months Edition

Caution: This compilation can possibly make you throw your boiling mug of choco. Read at your own risk.

Izy Pasatiempo
3 min readSep 26, 2017

WHOOHOO! IT’S already officially ber months! Are you starting to notice that it’s getting cold at night? A lot of events are also fast approaching: field trips, semestral breaks, vacation breaks, and — wait for it — Christmas!

But exams are nearer, bringing rivers of tears. Don’t you worry, though, because we have here the memes and jokes that you can really relate with!

1. How ‘bondat’ are you this September?

I know this season will offer you a lot of food, but maybe this month could also be a good (and extra challenging) time to start not eating a lot of food. Remember: you have your last year’s resolution about trying to lose weight!

2. During exams

September long tests — check. Second periodicals? Uh-oh. Here’s that feeling when your last hope is your teacher, but he ain’t giving you no clues.

3. Your reaction for the ber months

Wake me up when September ends? Here’s that feeling when you realize that you achieved nothing during the first half of the year. #2017Goals

4. Exams be like

That feeling when you don’t know the answers but your teacher requires you to leave no unanswered items.

5. Cold hearts, cold hugots

Cold season calls for below-freezing feelings further frozen by hugots. Whip up something witty ’cause the cold never bothered you anyway!

Disclaimer: Study first!

6. Red Letter Day be like

Getting high grades isn’t easy, sure, but it’s a lot easier to work hard than to beg for a raise. After all, you make your grades!

7. Chances, chances, chances

Don’t underestimate stock knowledge — it’s a power in its own right! But you won’t get straight A’s every time you sleep for the entire week instead of reviewing either, mind you.

8. Happy Jose Mari Chan Season!

Let’s sing merry Christmas and a happy holidays for the hundredth time possible! Trust me, this guy is going to rule the malls, serenade you through your radios, and even break in at your homes to remind you of the hope that “may the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts!”

Aren’t ber months exciting? There’s always something fun to look forward to. Just remember: try not to lax and let this season pass by without getting the best blast you can!

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About us. The Shekinah Standard is an online publication of and by Shekinah Learning School learners and alumni.

About the writer. Fonteriza Pasatiempo is the Standard’s in-house humorist. She collects memes, stalks Facebook pages, and spends her time laughing — sometimes even by herself! She’s also an accomplished singer and a member of the Glee Club, the school’s premiere music group.

