How I Found My Perfect All-Round Username

izzy g
2 min readJun 1, 2020


Want the perfect all-round username? One which is never taken? Can be used in gaming, forums and all other social platforms? Yes, I wanted one too, and got one, but trust me, it didn’t have to be as hard as I made it out to be.

I don’t know about you, but I find that creating the perfect username can be a very stressful time. You want to find a username that reflects your personality, interests and aspirations. You also want it to be unique, and not taken; creativity is key. So you’ve tried username generators, and no luck? No, I didn’t have any either. They all come out looking like this:

or this:

Not very creative OR unique, also does not reflect you — but how can it? Now, I started to experiment: thinking about things close to my heart, my likes and dislikes, yet this did not get me much further. I too start using ones such as izzy123 or _isabelle098 but it was impossible to feel satisfied.

I started to look around on other websites, asking friends for ideas. I browsed on and off contemplating whether to spend a couple of pounds for someone to give me names. However, most of the reviews said that sellers clearly used random name generators to find usernames. Many only offered as little as 5 username ideas for £4.25 ($5). I gave up hope, until I found THIS website.

A seller was offering to give me 12 original, creative and unique usernames for nothing but a small fee! They assured me that they would not be using a random name generator and would tailor to all my needs — and it did! I sent a paragraph explaining a little bit about myself, my favourite bands and any ideas I had on usernames. It was perfect! Their creativity was incredible and I can assure you that no name generator was used since all the names were personalised to me. Out of the 12 I had 4 favourites, then eventually settled on one. I am very very pleased and would definitely recommend this seller to anybody who wants a unique username and is stuck for creativity. Super cheap and fast delivery!

Anyway, I hope you found this article useful and find a username that suits you :)

