WSP Art Homework — Amanda’s Assignment

Izzy Z
2 min readApr 18, 2017


Here is my artistic piece :) They say a picture is worth 1000 words, and in these 4 pictures, hundreds of thousands of stories can be told. All taken in Italy, paths where Alexander the Great once walked are pictured, as well as 3 generations of Zonni’s on the streets of the tiny town of Modugno. If only the streets could talk… I can only imagine the stories and history that would be told…
  1. How is Shadow Puppetry seen as some form of theater? What is unusual about this type of theater? Is this a form of cinema to you? Why or why not?

To me, theater is a live, dramatic performance full of meaning, and by that definition, I believe Shadow Puppetry can be seen as a form of theater. I have seen shows where shadows are incorporated into the production to portray a large, or small being(I saw similar techniques when I attended a production of the musical James and the Giant Peach), but what seems to be unusual about this form of theater is there is no spoken word — all of the thoughts and emotions are shared through shadows. Cinema can be defined as “a production of movies as an art or industry” so by that definition, yes, I believe this form of art can be considered a form of cinema.

  1. How is the art piece Gardens Speak a different and new perspective of theatrical art and a form of the arts? What is unusual of the show from the writer’s experience? Would you do this exhibit? Why or why not?

Wow. I believe theater performances have a way of moving people, but having the opportunity to be put into someone else’s shoes, and hear their story in such an intimate way, brings the movement to a whole new level. This would bring about a new perspective because instead of being in a room surrounded by people experiencing the same show as you, this is just you — and a stranger’s story, which leaves a huge impact. The writer expressed that the show was “nonetheless extraordinary, and emotionally wrenching.” Yes, I would do this exhibit! It seems like such an incredible experience — one that may be tough, but leave an incredible and lasting impact.

3. What feeling does the image of the broken watch make you feel? Do you see it as a form of art? Why or why not?

The broken watch has a story, and it makes me feel intrigued. It has been torn apart and put back together again. From the surface, we may not know why it looks as it does, but as we look deeper, we may begin to see. I believe it is a form of art, because as I shared, it has a story to tell, and that is someone’s way of portraying how they are feeling or what they have been through.

