Firebase Dynamic Link — iOS Configuration

JAA Consulting
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Below you start to set up the Firebase Dynamic link; ensure you have configured your iOS app and are ready to work with the Firebase Dynamic link. The rest of this document will walk you through how to do it.

Setup iOS project on Firebase

Now, You have to add your iOS app to the firebase project to be available on the Dynamic link when setting up what happens when a user opens the dynamic link on iOS. Follow the highlight option on the screenshot below; you start by opening the Project Settings and clicking Add App from the top right corner. Have the following information ready to populate your app: Bundle ID, App Store ID, and Team ID.

Add iOS App to Firebase project.

Validate the Dynamic link to confirm the iOS app.

Note: Enable the Firebase Dynamic link to confirm this step.

Now we can test your Firebase Dynamic link that we set up on the first step (Firebase Dynamic Link — Configuration). Let’s open our associate link on the browser. For my case, here is the full link to the test: If everything works fine, you will have a response with a details array property containing an object with the property appID.

Association Metadata

Enable Association Domain capability on Provisioning Profile

As we have confirmed that our domain is registered, you need to head over to your apple developer console and create a provisioning profile for your app. We must enable the Associate Domain capability, which we should check before proceeding.

Add Association Domains to Provisioning Profile.

NOTE: When updating the provisioning profile, either add/remove capability will invalidate it, then you need to download and install it so your Xcode can use it again.

Add Association Capability to your Xcode project.

Open your project in Xcode and open your app under the TARGETS header. Click the Signing & Capabilities tab. You must ensure your Team is registered and your Provisioning Profile field is completed. Please add the domain you created in your Firebase console to the Associated Domains and prefix it with applinks:

You can add as many association domains as you have configured for your project. Since my URI Scheme, I have already configured its jlrecharge, and my dynamic link is so that the Association Domain value would be:

// Association Domain: uri-scheme: dynamic link
App Links on Association Domains

Add Apple Bundle ID to URL Types

Then next, go ahead and add new URL Types based on your bundle ID. So, Click the Info tab, and add a URL Type to your project. The Identifier can be called Bundle Id or whatever you wish. Add your bundle identifier to the URL Schemes property.

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JAA Consulting

Over decade of experience building software and support entire live-cycle of development.