12 Christmas Email Campaign Statistics to Know for This Holiday Season

Joyce Qian
ContactPigeon | Nest Series
5 min readDec 18, 2017

Most companies start planning their Christmas email campaign long before the actual holiday. That’s why it may seem like the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year! However, holiday marketing campaigns really go into full effect during the months of November and December. During this time, businesses around the world start filling inboxes with notes, coupons, special sales and more. If you’re smart about it, Christmas is one of the very best times of year to engage with your customers and boost sales.

The key is to create campaigns that can get heard above the noise of all the other Christmas offers. You want to send out special content that delights your customers and makes it easy to engage, share and take advantage of deals. It’s worthwhile to invest in high-quality content for this time of year — and if you have any doubt that is true, take a look at these 12 Christmas email campaign statistics that will make you a believer.

#1. 2016 Holiday sales at $95 Billion

According to Statista, U.S. retail e-commerce holiday season sales in 2016 were $94.71 billion. That number is too big to ignore! Everyone is out shopping for gifts for friends, family, co-workers and more, and they want to know about your offerings. The number is only expected to grow, so set yourself up for big sales this holiday season. You can read about the most anticipated trends for 2018 to stay ahead of the game.

#2. Average gift spending is $752 per person

The average amount spent on Christmas gifts in the U.S. is $752 per person according to Statista. There’s no other time of year where people shell out so much cash to buy gifts. Everyone who celebrates Christmas is on the hunt for the perfect items to buy for their loved ones, so get your product in front of their faces! Read this article for awesome cross-sell techniques you can use after you’ve initially enticed a customer.

#3. 75% of Gmail users consume email via mobile devices

TechCrunch reported that 75 percent of Gmail’s 900 million users access their accounts via mobile devices. This means that your newsletter is likely to be read by someone on their phone, whether they are sitting at a desk or walking down the street. Tailor your emails toward this audience by making your newsletters easy to read and digestible — the big offer should be apparent in a quick scroll. Check out this article for more mobile behavior data and stats.

#4. Personalized email gets 5% higher open rates

Statista found that the open rate for emails with a personalized message was 18.8 percent compared to 13.1 percent without any personalization. You can’t argue with email marketing statistics like these! Boost your open rates significantly by using marketing automation to make your email more personalized in your next email marketing campaign.

#5. 33% of recipients judge an email based on its subject line

Convince&Convert found that 33 percent of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone. That means you better come up with a pretty compelling Christmas subject in order to make sure your email gets read! Check out some examples of great holiday subject lines here.

#6. Average order value is 3x higher on email than on social media

According to McKinsey, the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media. This means that customers who receive a personalized Christmas email campaign from you are likely to spend three times as much in your e-commerce store. Furthermore, when compared to the cost of email, the ROI for email marketing is much higher than for social media.

#7. Monday produces the highest revenue per email

According to Experian, Monday emails produce the highest revenue per email. Using marketing automation to set up your Christmas emails to go out on Monday is a good idea to ensure that you get higher open rates and that you increase your revenues. Read here to find out more info about the best times to send your Christmas emails this year.

#8. Email with relevant content generates 18 times more sales

Relevant emails drive 18 times more revenue than broadcast emails, according to Jupiter Research. You can use data you’ve collected to segment your subscribers and create targeted, personalized emails to improve the performance of your campaigns. For more information on segmentation strategies, check out this post.

#9. Nurtured leads spend 47% more

Nurtured email leads make 47 percent larger purchases than non-nurtured leads, according to The Annultas Group. Use marketing automation to create an automated series that delivers your best content to subscribers over time, and it’ll pay off. This can save you tons of time and money as opposed to trying to nurture leads individually. Here are some great examples of lead nurturing emails you can use as templates for your Christmas Campaign.

#10. Behavior-triggered emails have 8x more clicks

Experian found that action or behavior triggered emails have eight times more opens and clicks than any other type of email and can generate six times more revenue. These are emails that are triggered by a user’s interaction with a web app, such as signing up or making a purchase.

#11. 75% of email sales are generated by triggered campaigns

According to DMA, over 75 percent of email revenue is generated by triggered campaigns, rather than one-size-fits-all campaigns. Automated email campaigns account for 21 percent of email marketing revenue. You can capitalize on big sales by using triggered campaigns for Christmas. Here are some examples of companies that did a stellar job of pulling this off.

#12. Targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue

DMA also found that segmented and targeted emails generate 58 percent of all revenue. Christmas is a perfect time to create segmented and targeted lists that will land in the right spot.

Setting your Christmas email campaign up for success

The trends are clear for this holiday shopping season. Email marketing has been and will be a big contributor to growing sales for retailers worldwide. Furthermore, the sales generating power of the Christmas email campaign is dependent very much on whether if the subject and content of the email are relevant, targeted and personal to its recipients. Using a form of automation triggers for those emails will also make its delivery more timely.

Originally published at ContactPigeon | Blog.

