Product Update: ContactPigeon Introduces Push Notification

Joyce Qian
ContactPigeon | Nest Series
4 min readJan 23, 2018

We are kicking off 2018 with a bang! This month, we are excited to introduce a whole new way to reach your website visitors: Push Notification. This new channel allows growing eCommerce brands to “push” communications to target users with hyper-targeted messages without the need to a single email address or require the users to be on-site.

What is Push Notification?

Push Notifications are clickable content-rich messages that pop up on a users device (desktop or mobile). Unlike on-site popups, these notifications work even when users are not browsing your website. Once the users opt-in to receive notifications, messages can be scheduled and pushed to your users’ devices as long as they are online.

Push notifications are best used for delivering time-bound content to engage user interests. In the case of eCommerce, this can be a particular promotion that is about to end or activating a dormant customer with a relevant offer.

Anatomy of push notification
Anatomy of push notification

What makes Push Notification powerful as a channel?

Web push notification is an effective tool to engage users and keep customers returning to your site. Based on a study by, visitors who opt-in to push notifications are 88% higher in engagement rate compared to other push channels (e.g., email, SMS). Furthermore, the eCommerce sector shows a significantly higher engagement lift at 278%.

Here are few key reasons why we believe Push Notification will overcome email as a channel in eCommerce:

  • Messages are not impacted by spam filters or Ad blockers
  • Messages are not lost inside crowded mailboxes
  • Notification appear on the device as an alert, therefore harder to ignore (unlike email)
  • Does not require email address to reach the subscriber
  • Allow instant delivery of product recommendations

What’s unique about ContactPigeon’s Push Notification feature?

ContactPigeon allows you to harness the power of segmentation and web-behaviors to create uber targeted messages for your visitors. Instead of a generic new merchandise announcement to all users, you can send it to customers who will most likely to interact with based on interest. At the same time, you have the flexibility to combine email marketing with push notification for a truly multi-channel user experience.

Here are some example of Push Notification use cases you can implement with ContactPigeon:

  • Deals Reminders: Send push notification on last minute deals to those people who have not opened a previous last-minute deal email.
  • Personal Coupons: Remind visitor that a coupon code is still valid towards the next purchase.
  • New Merchandise Alerts: For customers who prefer a specific brand that you carry, remind them when new items are available on the website.
  • Abandoned Cart Reminder: When visitors have abandoned items in the cart, send a notification to remind them to complete checkout.
  • Lead Nurture New Visitors: Offer a special coupon to recent visitors who haven’t completed checkout yet. See example snapshot below.
ContactPigeon Push Notification Scenario Example
ContactPigeon Push Notification Scenario Example — Remind recent visitors who have not yet placed an order.

How do I get started with ContactPigeon’s Push Notification?

The Push Notification feature is ready to use in your ContactPigeon account today. You’ll find it by accessing the left menu bar under the Notification bell icon, where you can create and manage notifications to your subscribers.

New Push Notification menu icon
New Push Notification menu icon

For a full feature walk-thru and activation, please contact your dedicated Customer Success Consultant directly or contact us here.

Wrap Up

At ContactPigeon, our goal has always been to make powerful marketing features accessible to eCommerce business of any size. With the introduction of Push Notification, we hope you’ll find new and creative ways to reach your target audience. Per usual, we look forward to supporting you in achieving your eCommerce growth goals in 2018.

Interested in learning bit more about how to use Push Notification as part of your marketing mix? Stay tuned to our blog posts.

Originally published at ContactPigeon | Blog.

